
Jekyll + Tailwind CSS boilerplate

MIT LicenseMIT

Jekyllwind: a Jekyll + Tailwind CSS boilerplate

Jekyll + Tailwind CSS

This boilerplate is based on the following blog post. If you run into any issues during setup, try to follow the steps laid out in there, it may help.


1. Download the boilerplate

Create a directory for your project and download the latest Jekyllwind in it.

A fancy way to do it is this:

curl -L https://codeload.github.com/mzrnsh/jekyllwind/tar.gz/refs/tags/v1.0.0 | tar -xz --strip-components=1

This is tested and works on macOS Monterey. If it doesn't work as expected on your machine, you can take an alternative route and download the boilerplate manually from the GitHub UI:

  • Option 1: get the latest release and unzip in your project directory
  • Option 2: download the repository as zip, unzip somewhere, and copy the contents of the dist/ folder into your project directory

2. Install Ruby gems and Node packages

In your terminal cd to the project directory and run the following commands:


Note for npm users: If you prefer installing packages via npm instead of yarn, open the _config.yml file in your editor and replace yarn.lock with package-lock.json on line 15.

That's it, you are ready 🎉


Feel free to send PRs or beers 🙌
