🏋️ Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 3405 LeetCode Problems (Weekly Update)
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#192 opened by trivedikavya - 1
Leetcode 232 update
#186 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
Leetcode 2511 - Fix xrange
#182 opened by nitinraturi - 2
Line 42 if is wrong
#170 opened by CS20151 - 1
Solutions for weekly contests held last week?
#171 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
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1558 the [0] case could not passed
#162 opened by ljhust - 1
336 palindrome pairs Time limit exceed(C++)
#156 opened by sparshgarg23 - 0
Leet Code - One Per Day
#153 opened by Dev8998 - 2
Shouldn't this be p[0] -= times?
#150 opened by GUOWEICAIUS - 2
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guess-number-higher-or-lower-ii runtime error
#142 opened by shipleyxie - 2
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longest uncommon subsequence ii cpp
#137 opened by sparshgarg23 - 2
What happened to your old Leetcode repository
#136 opened by XtraSonic - 3
How to explain totalCount, validCountInLessLength, validCountInFullLength in confusing-number-ii.py?
#133 opened by yezhengli-Mr9 - 2
[Question] 0424 Longest repeating character replacement: Space complexity
#130 opened by viditmaniyar - 1
for statistics from large sample
#129 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
runtime error for single number iii
#128 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
Syntax Error: xrange in case of range
#127 opened by swad007 - 1
1361. Validate Binary Tree Nodes
#125 opened by donaldcao - 1
Leetcode 1024 video stiching test case failure
#124 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
Wrong answer for Integer to Roman in Python
#122 opened by prakharrathi25 - 1
Amazon Interview Questions
#103 opened by skystone1000 - 1
Leetcode 769 Max chunks to keep array sorted
#101 opened by sparshgarg23 - 1
220. Contains Duplicate III - Runtime Error
#100 opened by skystone1000 - 2
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Leetcode 377 combination sum iv
#94 opened by sparshgarg23 - 2
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Why is the complexity O(N^2) and not O(N)
#87 opened by sparshgarg23 - 0
Add Solution for Problem 1210. Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations in C++
#79 opened by abhishhh1 - 1
The corner case in 488. Zuma Game
#78 opened by thisistt - 3
Problem #647 Palindromic Substrings
#77 opened by liadbiz - 1
#76 opened by sparshgarg23 - 0
why is the time O(h + k) ?
#72 opened by AndrewLisuxin - 1
Time complexity is not O(n * 2 ^ n)
#70 opened by AndrewLisuxin - 1
index array might be not in ascending order
#69 opened by AndrewLisuxin - 1
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Could you tell me the reason why we need `board[x][y] = 'V'` in surrounded-regions.py
#39 opened by sangheestyle - 1
overflow issue
#37 opened by AndrewLisuxin - 1
why is it linear?
#23 opened by AndrewLisuxin - 1
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The Python solution of 685 Redundant Connection II might need to be improved.
#5 opened by sangheestyle - 2
A question regarding combination-sum.py
#3 opened by gxstudy