
Training Activity: Java FP

Primary LanguageJava

FP Activity for the Week:


  • Deliverable: Java command line application / Github Repo
  • Deadline: Aug 30 31, 2019 7pm
  • Attachment: sales.zip
Additional Information
  • The ZIP file contains sales report from 3 store branches in manila, cebu, and davao (data is a peyk)
  • The reports are in CSV (comma-separated values) format
    • This file can be opened in MS Excel, Numbers, or any text editor.
  • The data in the CSV is in this format: ItemType,OrderDate,UnitsSold,UnitPrice


  • Print all the items sold in alphabetical order (no explicit sorting)
  • Print the total sales of each branches
  • Print the total sales from all branches
  • Print the total sales from all branches for the year 2016
  • Print what month the Fruits are sold the most
  • Print the name of the most sold item in 2012 from all branches
  • Print the month with the most number (units sold) of sales from all branches
  • Print the name of the most item sold in manila
  • Print the name of the most item sold in cebu
  • Print the name of the most item sold in davao


  • All solutions must be solved using Java FP
  • One application for all the requirements
  • Non-interactive
    • The application will not request any input from the user. Just read the CSV
  • Do not alter the given CSV files
  • Do not create new files, just print the result in the screen using System.out
  • "Print the month" means print the english name of the month (i.e. August instead of 08)
  • "...from all branches" means data from all CSV files will be combined
  • "Print the total sales of each branches" is expected to output 3 numbers
  • printing string results (month/item name) is cAsE-iNseNsiTiVe


  • Files.lines(Path)
  • Files.walk(Path)
  • String.split(String)
  • TreeSet
  • String.equals(String)
  • Stream.map(Function)
  • You are free to create any object that you see fit