Hey 👋, I'm Yashu Garg

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

💡  I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
🎓  I'm currently studying Information Technology & Mathematical Innovations at Cluster Innovation Center, University of Delhi.
💡  I like to make cool stuff that people would love to use.
🌱  My goal this year, is to learn more about Data Structures, Machine Learning and Web Development.
💬  Feel free to reach out to me for some interesting discussion.
✉️  You can shoot me an email at garg.y2001@gmail.com!
💻  Porfolio website: yashugarg.com
📃  Resume Link

🛠  Skills

C++ Python Dart Java JavaScript TypeScript
Flutter React Node.js
MongoDB Firebase
Postman Markdown Git GitHub VS Code

⚙️  GitHub Analytics


🤝🏻  Connect with Me

    twitter-yashugarg20    yashugarg