
About The Project

This npm package is for people who want to add a Debit Card in their React Native app.

There are 3 Gradient colors. The card number can be hidden when pressed on the numbers.

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_You can directly install this package in your existing react native project.

Install NPM package

npm i react-native-gradient-debit-card

Sometimes you may have to restart metro to use this package.

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After your installation is completed you can import the package.

   import Card from 'react-native-gradient-debit-card';

use the Card wherever you want it to be in you file.

You have to pass data in the component

   <Card name ={"name"} number={'1234567812345678'} date={'04/27'} color1={'#233329'} color2={'grey'} color3={'#000E21'}/>

name = name of the card holder. number = card number. date = expiry date of the card. color1 = first gradient color. color2 = second gradient color. color3 = third gradient color

The colors given above are the same colors used in the screenshot above. You can change the colors according to your needs.

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Email: If you encounter any bugs then please write to me on my email.

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