
It deals with extracting various queries from the movie dataset.

Primary LanguagePython

Python - Movie-Project

It deals with extracting various queries from the movie dataset.


In this project, we are supposed to analyze the dataset which has been provided and predict the output of the queries using a programming language of Python. It includes Python concepts like file handling which is used to manage the files like read, write, and append operations. It also includes the concepts like looping, conditional statement, etc. It covers all the fundamentals which are there in Python programming language. We are given some query and by using the python functionalities we must calculate the output of all those queries. The dataset of movies includes movie ID, movie name, year in which the movie is released, the rating of movie out of 5 and the duration of movie in seconds. Upon working on this dataset there were few challenges like somewhere data be missing for any column, so we skipped all those columns and move to the next record. We also will get to know that how we can retrieve data from any file by using various conditions and loops.


  1. ID
  2. Name of Movie
  3. Year of Release
  4. Rating
  5. Duration of Movie in seconds