Cypress + Cucumber

My developer experience via Cypress + Cucumber. This repository aimed to do just a shallow test-cases to be familiar with Cucumber. The workshop is mostly based on AUTOMATE your TESTS NOW with CYPRESS + CUCUMBER | Cypress Tutorial For Beginners with modern setups including Typescript and @badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor.

Getting started

The following commands is basically invoke cypress open. This will open a cypress UI.

npm test

Alternatively, Cpypress can run using electron browser, which mean we can run the tests on terminal.

npx cypress run

The cypress run will by default record video for each spec. We can turn it on/off by setting video within the configuration.


Cypress can do really great works within javascript's ecosystem. But it automates the browser with its own architecture. There are specific limitations mentioned by the official documentation.

But, there is the most popular alternative to Cypress, which is Selenium.