
SharedArrayBuffer error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When I try to use scran.js to read h5ad in eletron, the error is as follows:

ReferenceError: SharedArrayBuffer is not defined
    at scran__js.js?v=7e21cf8d:176:44
    at Module.initialize (scran__js.js?v=7e21cf8d:6115:24)
    at read_obs (App.vue:24:17)
    at App.vue:34:11
    at callWithErrorHandling (vue.js?v=7e21cf8d:1680:19)
    at callWithAsyncErrorHandling (vue.js?v=7e21cf8d:1687:17)
    at job (vue.js?v=7e21cf8d:7429:9)
    at callWithErrorHandling (vue.js?v=7e21cf8d:1680:33)
    at flushJobs (vue.js?v=7e21cf8d:1893:9)


async function read_obs(filePath:string) {
  try {
    await scran.initialize();
    let f = scran.initializeSparseMatrixFromHdf5(filePath,"X");
  } catch (error) {

How to solve it?

LTLA commented

I don't know what "eletron" is. I assume you meant Electron. I'm not familiar with the Electron runtime, but you will need to somehow enable support for SharedArrayBuffers. Some googling provides a few possible solutions (see here), but your guess is as good as mine. In a browser context, the availability of SharedArrayBuffer requires cross-origin isolation, which is handled in kana by a service worker. IIRC recent Node versions support SharedArrayBuffer by default.