
A yocto layer to support adding a cross compiler to yocto target images

MIT LicenseMIT

This layer provides support for cross compiling a cross toolchain that can then run on regular Yocto targets.
Neither the regular gcc recipe in oe-core, nor sdk cross-canadian recipes offer this (regular recipe only
supports native compilation; cross-canadian recipes are tightly coupled with the SDK).

The use case is having a compiler on the target machine that can build for a different target machine
that is perhaps part of the same hardware system. Currently supported target is arm-none-eabi, but
more can be added.

Alexander Kanavin <alex@linutronix.de>

How to use:
- set up a regular yocto build
- add to local.conf:
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi libgcc-arm-none-eabi-dev"
This will add a cross-compiler, cross-linker and cross-libgcc to the target image
- boot an image, and those tools should be able to run and find their supplementary
files. However a cross-libc needs to be provided separately; without it no useful
program can be compiled:
root@qemux86-64:~# cat > test.c
void main () {
root@qemux86-64:~# arm-none-eabi-gcc test.c
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/11.2.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: cannot find crt0.o: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/11.2.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status