
Cordova plugin to use the camera to scan ids

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cordova ID Scanner

Cordova plugin that uses the camera and OCR to scan id numbers.


  • Start a camera preview with a graphic overlay and use OCR to read an id from the image.


To install the master version with latest fixes and features

cordova plugin add https://github.com/kanayo/kanayo-cordova-plugin-id-scanner.git


startScan(options, [successCallback, errorCallback])

Starts the Scanner.

Text that matches the candidateExpression is displayed with a white border.

Text that matches the verifyExpression && verifyChecksum is displayed with a green border and returned to the caller.

Options: All options stated are optional and will default to values here

  • instructions - Defaults to 'Aim the camera at the id card' - scanning instructions to display to user
  • cameraDirection - Defaults to 'back' - or 'front'
  • cancelText - Defaults to 'Cancel' - text for cancel scan button
  • switchText - Defaults to 'Switch Cameras' - text for switch cameras button
  • candidateExpression - Defaults to "" - Regular expression to pre-verify ids
  • verifyExpression - Defaults to "" - Regular expression to verify ids
  • verifyChecksum - Defaults to "" - Name of checksum algorithm to use to verify ids. One of: "Mod11_2", "Mod37_2", "Mod97_10", "Mod37_2", "Mod661_26", "Mod1271_36"
let options = {
  cameraDirection: 'front',
  verifyExpression: '^[\d]{10}.*',
  verifyChecksum: 'Mod11_2'


stopScan([successCallback, errorCallback])

Stops the camera preview view and scanning.



cordova-plugin-camera-preview Maintained by Weston Ganger - @westonganger

cordova-plugin-camera-preview Created by Marcel Barbosa Pinto @mbppower

mobile-vision-oc: (http://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/mobile-vision-ocr)

iso7064 library: (https://github.com/danieltwagner/iso7064)