
Time based multiple choice quiz application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quiz App Documentation


Quiz App is an engaging and interactive web application that allows users to test their knowledge across various topics. With a simple yet elegant design, this application is perfect for anyone looking to challenge themselves or just have fun with trivia.


  • Start/Next Button: Initiates the quiz and progresses through questions.
  • Timer: Counts down the time, adding urgency to the quiz.
  • Question Display: Shows the current question to the user.
  • Answer Selection: Multiple choice answers, selectable by the user.
  • Score Tracker: Keeps track of the user's score.
  • Latest Score and User Display: Shows the most recent score and user name.
  • End-of-Game Score Recording: Option to record and view the final score and user initials.

How to Play

  1. Start the Quiz: Click the 'Start' button to begin.
  2. Answer Questions: Choose from the multiple-choice answers. Correct answers add to your score.
  3. Beat the Timer: Answer before the timer runs out. Incorrect answers reduce the remaining time.
  4. Save Your Score: At the end of the game, enter your initials to record your score.

Technical Details

  • Local Storage: Utilized for storing the most recent score and user initials.
  • Dynamic Content: JavaScript is used to dynamically update the content based on user interactions.
  • Countdown Timer: Integrated to add a time-based challenge to the quiz.

Deployed App



  1. Clone the repository from GitHub.
  2. Open the index.html file in a web browser to start the application.


Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your proposed changes.


Quiz App Screenshot


The Quiz App offers an enjoyable and educational experience for users of all ages. With its user-friendly interface and challenging questions, it's a great way to test your knowledge and learn new facts.