
In this project I discovered the basics of graphic programming, and in particular how to place points in space, how to join them with segments and most importantly how to observe the scene from a particular viewpoint.

Primary LanguageC


Mandatory part - 2d representation of 3d coordinates in isometric projection. This is enough for the successful project validation.
Bonus part - my imagination. Here is a list of bonuses, that I added to my project:

  • Rotating the map in all 3 axes. Bonus, which includes all types of projections, like parallel, iso, conic etc.
  • Real time parameters changing ( such as angle of tilt and rotate ) using the keyboard, with fast recalculating and smooth redrawing scene.
  • Color and gradient support.
  • The ability to read up to 9 files with maps in the same time, and switch between them in real time ( like tabs ).

Allowed libraries:
math ( includes the most common mathematical functions ),
miniLibX ( x-window interface library ).
Allowed functions:
open, read, write, close, malloc, free, perror, strerror, exit.


This project is about creating a simplified graphic “wireframe” representation of a relief landscape linking various points (x, y, z) via segments. The coordinates of this landscape are stored in a file passed as a parameter to program. Here is an simple example: img 1

Each number on the map corresponds to a point in space:

  • The horizontal position corresponds to its axis,
  • The vertical position corresponds to its ordinate,
  • The value corresponds to its altitude.

All these points must be connected by lines. For this, I used the Bresenham's line algorithm, which allows me to calculate all the pixels that must be color-coded to form a line between two points in space. img 2

And now it is time for magic, which was achieved with the rotation matrix. Multiplying the rotation matrices around different axes, I got a universal matrix that allowed me to efficiently and quickly calculate/recalculate all points in space. Here is some examples:

Map: 42

img 3

Map: mars

img 4 The same map, but a little closer look:
img 4.1

Map: pyramide

img 5 Let's add some color and gradient:

Map: t1

img 6

Map: julia

img 7 And in conclusion, some additional features, like real time recalculating/redrawing result image using the keyboard control.
Here is some examples:
gif 1 gif 2