
This application is created in order to introduce Jkube plugin that replace https://dmp.fabric8.io/

0 - Welcom


This application was created in order to introduce fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin and fabric8io/fabric8-maven-plugin. It has been update to Eclipse jkube.

This is a step by step project toward automation build code from local to Kubernetes.


git clone https://github.com/kanedafromparis/khool-jkube-prez

git branch to see the steps

git checkout 010-Initialization to start


1 - Initialization simple spring in memory

2 - Use mariadb via a docker instance

3 - Build a docker image from our projet and use mariadb with docker-compose

4 - Build the application image using io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin

5 - Build the application image and mariadb docker instance using io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin

6 - Build the application image and push it into kubernetes (h2 database)

7 - Build the specific application image and push it into kubernetes (h2 database)

8 - Build the specific application image and push it into kubernetes and push it into kubernetes with other resources