
Creation of an app building around an image classification AI model that can predict the country given an image from the game GeoGuessr

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Project Organization

Folder structure or organziation for this project:

├── README.md                       <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── .gitignore                      <- Ignores files that shouldn't go into git (e.g. ./data/).
├── Dockerfile                      <- Dockerfile for building jupyterlab container.
├── docker-compose.yml              <- Container instructions used when running docker-compose.
├── requirements.txt                <- List of dependancies to be installed in the docker containers.
├── app                             <- Application 
├── data
│   ├── csv                         <- Data contained in csv format.
│   ├── raw                         <- Raw image data.
│   ├── train                       <- Image data split into the training set used to train the models.
│   └── validation                  <- Image data split into the validation set used to validate the models.
├── notebooks                       <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a short `-` delimited description.
│   ├── draft                       <- Draft notebooks for creating models etc.    
│   └── final                       <- The final notebooks to demonstrate and can be run from start from finish. 
└── src                             <- Python modules to be used in the notebooks.