Folder structure or organziation for this project:
├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── .gitignore <- Ignores files that shouldn't go into git (e.g. ./data/).
├── Dockerfile <- Dockerfile for building jupyterlab container.
├── docker-compose.yml <- Container instructions used when running docker-compose.
├── requirements.txt <- List of dependancies to be installed in the docker containers.
├── app <- Application
├── data
│ ├── csv <- Data contained in csv format.
│ ├── raw <- Raw image data.
│ ├── train <- Image data split into the training set used to train the models.
│ └── validation <- Image data split into the validation set used to validate the models.
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a short `-` delimited description.
│ ├── draft <- Draft notebooks for creating models etc.
│ └── final <- The final notebooks to demonstrate and can be run from start from finish.
└── src <- Python modules to be used in the notebooks.