This is an automatic money EA program! ! ! The EA is developed based on MT5. The strategy is: the EUR/USD hourly price and the moving averaging 25-day MA are stacked. Regardless of external information, trading is done based on the two curves. The idea is whether it is short-selling or buying at a certain time. In a certain period of time, there is a very high probability that the price will return to this point, and during this time, the middle price must be in the form of a wave, so you can consider gaining profits between this fluctuation. I just learned that soon after, is a standard after 90 is not after 95, I am a Java development programmer, thinking about realizing the wealth of freedom through EA trading, if there are friends who are interested in EA can study together and make progress together.这是一个自动赚钱EA程序!!!该EA是基于MT5开发,策略是:EUR/USD 时时价格和moving averaging 25日均线叠加,不考虑外部信息,单单根据两条曲线做交易,思路是在某一个时间点无论是卖空还是买多,在一段期间内很大概率很大概率价格会回到这个点,而在这段时间内,中间的价格必定是成波浪的形式振幅,因此可以考虑在这个波动之间获取获得利润。本人刚刚学习不久,是一个标准的90后不是95后,我是一个Java开发程序员,想着通过EA交易实现财富自由,如果有也对EA感兴趣的朋友可以一起研究,共同进步。

Primary LanguageMQL5

This is an automatic money EA program! ! ! The EA is developed based on MT5. The strategy is: the EUR/USD hourly price and the moving averaging 25-day MA are stacked. Regardless of external information, trading is done based on the two curves. The idea is whether it is short-selling or buying at a certain time. In a certain period of time, there is a very high probability that the price will return to this point, and during this time, the middle price must be in the form of a wave, so you can consider gaining profits between this fluctuation. I just learned that soon after, is a standard after 90s , I am a Java development programmer, thinking about realizing the wealth of freedom through EA trading, if there are friends who are interested in EA can study together and make progress together. 这是一个自动赚钱EA程序!!! 该EA是基于MT5开发,策略是:EUR/USD 时时价格和moving averaging 25日均线叠加, 不考虑外部信息,单单根据两条曲线做交易,思路是在某一个时间点无论是卖空还是买多,在一段期间内很大概率很大概率价格会回到这个点
,而在这段时间内,中间的价格必定是成波浪的形式振幅,因此可以考虑在这个波动之间获取获得利润。 本人刚刚学习不久,是一个标准的90后,我是一个Java开发程序员,