
Career Foundry Challenge :: Frontend Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React projects template

Hi, This is a template repo for all React based applications I will be building.

It uses :

React version 16 and above.

React redux version 6 and above.

Redux version 4 and above.

Folder Structure

public folder

The public folder houses :




src folder

The src folder is divided into sub folder which all handle separate functionalities. Also it contains individual files in its root. These files are :

App.js: App component with Header, Footer and children components based on the current redirect route.

index.js: Configure redux store, connect store to App and link ReactDOM to index.html file for root ID element.

routes.js: Define what container handles what route being accessed.

The src sub-folders are explained below:

API folder

The API folder houses all API related files, these include class files which house feature specific API endpoint calls.

common/httpMethods.js: REST helper methods for both GET, POST and DELETE. It also contains header values.

common/utils.js: Define the domain name for your backend app url based on the current app environment.

index.js: Define how to export your api classes to the redux actions.

Components folder

The Components folder should only house stateless components. Also known as Functional Componet. Here is an example of stateless component

const StatelessComponent = props => {
  return (
      <p>This is an example of a stateless component</p>
export default StatelessComponent;

Container folder

The Container folder should only house stateful components. Also known as Class Components or Pages. These are what are imported in the routes.js file. To use, stateless components in containers, you just import the required components.

import { bindActionCreators } from  "redux";
import { connect } from  "react-redux";
import StatelessComponent from ...

class StatefulComponent extends react.Component {

  componentDidMount(){ console.log("Call API endpoint") }

  render() {
      <p>This is an example of stateful component</p>

StatefulComponent.propTypes = {}

mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
  return {};

mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {};

export default connect(

Data folder

The data folder contains the initialState values of the Redux store. Also it houses additional JSON data files which may be required by your system.

Images folder

House all the images used in your system.

Redux folder

The redux folder is divided into 3 sub folders.

actions: Define all the actions endpoint that call the API endpoint and pass response to reducer. Also it houses /actionTypes that define what action / redux store data manipulation reducer should take.

reducers: Define all the feature reducers that update redux store based on the actionType and endpoint response from actions. In the /index.js include your reducer as part of the root Reducer to have access to it in Container folder.

store: Configure the Redux store and link its initial state and also all reducers. It also sets up DevTools from developer debugging in Development Environment.

Styles folder

House all the styles files.

Tests folder

House all Stateless and Stateful component tests. It is advisable to group tests folder into folders based on features.

Utils folder

The folder contains helper methods / functions. Example

/* Converts JSON params into url string query for GET request */

class urlUtils {
  static toQueryString(urlObject) {
    const queryString = Object
      .map(key => key + '=' + urlObject[key]
    return queryString;
export default urlUtils;

Do you want to contribute?

If you want to contribute in any way, Fork the repo and have fun.

I don't have any guidelines yet :)