- ✔ Express framework
- ✔ MVC architecture
- ✔ TypeScript support
- ✔ Prisma ORM (MySQL)
- ✔ Customize error, log and catch all error
- Swagger document support
- Zod schema validation
- Rate limit
- Schema validation with zod
- Jest unit test
Pull the code and create .env
in server root directory, the content likes below
If you use Postgres, please change the connection link
Enter the server directory and execute the below command
npm install
Enter the server directory and execute the below command
npm start
- npm init -y
- npm install express
- npm i -D typescript ts-node nodemon @types/node @types/express
- npx tsc --init
- touch index.ts
- npm install -D prisma
- npm install prisma-client | npx prisma generate
- npx prisma db push: Outside prisma migration system)
- npx prisma migrate dev --name <your_migration_name>: After updating the Prisma schema, generate a new migration
- npx prisma migrate deploy: Apply the generated migration to bring your database schema in sync
- npx prisma migrate dev: Check if the drift issue persists
- npx prisma generate: Regenerate the Prisma Client to reflect the changes in your schema