
A simple real-time chat project demo (web) using webSocket

Primary LanguageJava

What is this

This is a simple demo using webSocket.You can chat with other people in the Internet.It is very easy to use.

#Demo# You can try this


  • Jdk7+
  • Tomcat 7(very important)
  • javaee 7
  • myeclipse2014(recommend)
  • windows or Linux server

#What should I do?#

  1. clone or download the code

  2. download 3 important jar google-collection ,,, javaee-api7,,,json-org

  3. paste them in project's WEB-INF=>lib folder

  4. find your ip address

  5. open main.js and change following(line 7、8)

    var socket_url = '';

  6. You may need to change (line 51) if your project is not at the root folder(for example my project is at the root folder)

    webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + socket_url + ":" + port + "/chat?name=" + name);

if the progect is at the "web" folder ,you should change like this

webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + socket_url + ":" + port + "/web/chat?name=" + name);
  1. upload your project to the server

#Any questions?# be free to contact me jackgao.china@gmail.com