Pihole Blocklist

Note: I am only responsible for the websites that are in custom-whitelist.txt, custom-porn-whitelist.txt, custom-porn-blocklist.txt, and custom-blocklist.txt. All other ones are grabbed from other lists (see below for details).

Ok, what is it? It's a list of domains/hosts which is involved in showing ads, track, spam, malware etc. Personally, I am using this list in pi-hole(https://pi-hole.net/) which is running on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+.

I made a program which runs every day once on my server. It collects data from a bunch of lists, made them pi-hole ready(clean domain/host), make them unique & combine them into a single list and commit the list into this repository.

It's a lightweight list. So, it will take fewer resources. As I also block porn websites, a porn website/host list added too.

I tried to include popular & effective lists. The porn list was already pi-hole ready but the domain was non www version. As a result, example.com blocked but www.example.com still accessible. So, I also include a www version of every domain in this list.

How to use?

Just add the following lists to your pi-hole.



I included a few aggressive lists which can impact your regular internet browsing experience. I suggest you check the log query & whitelist the queries which case problem on regular browsing.

The porn.txt includes:

The list.txt includes: