- Download and install Anaconda3 4.2 from https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-4.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
- After installation, include path of "bin" folder of the above Anaconda to PATH variable
- Install Tensorflow 0.12 for the installed Anaconda version using the command:
conda install -c jjhelmus tensorflow=0.12.0
(Note 3 July 2020: the above command doesn't work anymore. But running pip install tensorflow==0.12.1
- Install graphviz for Python:
python -m install graphviz
- Test installation:
cd data/StringTokenizer bash execute.sh
Use the docker image python:3.5:
docker run -v /home/<path>/<to>/DSM/:/workspace/DSM -v /home/<path>/<to>/deep_spec_learning_ws/:/workspace/deep_spec_learning_ws -v /home/<path>/<to>/dsm_eval_ground_truth/:/workspace/dsm_eval_ground_truth --name DSM -it python:3.5 /bin/bash
pip install tensorflow==0.12.1 numpy==1.11.0 scipy==0.18.1 graphviz sklearn
apt-get update && apt-get install graphviz
Example of running evaluation script for StringTokenizer:
python3 /workspace/deep_spec_learning_ws/deep_spec_learning/model_learning/evaluation/evaluate_clustered_automata.py --cluster_folder work_dir/clustering_space/cls_kmeans/S_4/ --ground_truth_folder /workspace/dsm_eval_ground_truth/stringtokenizer/ --result_folder /DSM_eval_results/StringTokenizer --ignore_method_suffix 1 --overall_min_label_coverage 20 --max_label_repeated_per_trace 3 --max_trace_length 50 --max_num_trace 10000
- When there are new traces that become available after the FSM model has already been constructed, it is possible to update the model without retraining on the entire dataset.
- Much faster than retraining with all available data
- Run
python DSM_updater.py
. From one of the data directories (e.g. data/ZipOutputStream), runpython3 ../../DSM_updater.py new_traces/traces.txt
contains new traces in the same format as the original traces. - When using DSM as a library, the update_model API can be used for this.
- To use DSM as a library, run
python setup.py install
to install the DSM package on your machine. Executingimport dsm
will work if the installation is successful. - The following 3 APIs are provided:
learn_model(input_path: str, rnn_model_dir: str, output_dir: str, args)
Constructs a new FSA and writes it into output_dir/serialized_fsa.json.
Writes intermediate outputs such as diagrams of the FSA in output_dir.
:param input_path: path to file containing input traces
:param rnn_model_dir: path to directory that will store the RNN model.
:param output_dir: path to directory that will store the final results and other intermediate output.
:param args: args for training a neural network. The following attributes can be configured.
data_dir (str): directory containing training data, should be the same directory that input_path is in.
rnn_size (int): size of RNN hidden state. Defaults to 32.
num_layers (int): number of layers in the RNN. Defaults to 2.
model (str): rnn, gru, or lstm. Defaults to lstm.
batch_size (int): Minibatch size. Defaults to 10.
seq_length (int): RNN sequence length. Defaults to 25.
num_epochs (int): number of epochs. Defaults to 10.
grad_clip (float): clip gradients at this value. Defaults to 5.
learning_rate (float): Defaults to 0.002.
decay_rate (float): decay rate for rmsprop. Defaults to 0.97.
accept_traces(traces: Iterable[Iterable[str]], fsa_directory: str)
Given a list of execution traces, returns a list of booleans.
For each trace in the list, True is returned if the trace is accepted by the FSA, otherwise False.
:param traces: a list of execution traces. Each trace is a list of strings.
:param fsa_directory: path to directory containing FSA built using learn_model. This should be the same value as learn_model's output_dir
:return: a list of booleans indicating whether each trace is accepted or rejected
update_model(input_path: str, rnn_model_dir: str, old_fsa_output_dir: str, output_dir: str)
Updates an existing FSA with new traces.
:param input_path: path to file containing new traces
:param rnn_model_dir: directory containing rnn model
:param old_fsa_output_dir: old output directory containing the previous fsa model and related outputs
:param output_dir: output directory for updated FSA