
🌍 Collaborative knowledge index of things as mind maps + study plan for learning anything

What is this? 🎈

I want to make collaborative mind maps of links and resources and present them all visually. In contrast to the current model where you form a question, enter it in the search engine and get a static number of links as answer. I want to present everything visually and provide the best resources one can use to learn the topic in depth. I want people to spend their time exploring what this world has to offer instead of wandering around, searching for questions to ask and problems to solve.

I have created a study plan where I give step by step instructions on what the most optimal way of learning any topic is. Please add your own suggestions on how I can improve this list. Thank you. πŸ’™

Each node you see in the image above is an interactive mind map. In future, the above image will too be a big interactive mind map that all can explore.

Until then, here is the entire list of all 2500 mind maps from this image for your viewing. πŸ“š

How to use these Mind Maps πŸ—ΊοΈ

It is advised to open the mind maps in a new tab. For example, here is a mind map for machine learning. Every mind map is structured in the same way where everything is to be read from left to right. Each mind map, when opened, will show a 'resources' node that will have the best resources available on learning the topic. To the left of it, you can find 'notes' which will contain things that I found to be relevant to the topic. There are also articles, videos, talks, various related terminology, images and gifs that help one learn the subject well.

Some mind maps have a numeric prefix attached to them in their name which stands for a year. If it is a book, it means the year in which it was written. If it is a person, it stands for the year in which he or she died. If it is some other topic or node, it often stands for the year this field was invented or discovered. I abbreviate this century's years to two digits, so '17: ' prefix stands for year 2017. Finally I arrange them in order from past to now for gaining prespective.

I document all of this and more in another mind map called key πŸ”‘. I advise you to take some time to explore it, as I try to cover any confusion one might have in trying to read these mind maps there.

The Plan πŸ—ΊοΈ

The goal of these mind maps is to present everything visually and then give the best resources one can find on learning any of the topics in this vast knowledge map. πŸ“š

All humans should take leverage of the fact that we are standing on the shoulders of giants and 'get up to speed' with what our world already collectively knows. Knowledge is power and I want to share it.

However I can't do this alone as internet is a vast place and I will never be able to map nor understand the vast majority of what this world has to offer. There are many many ways in which you can help make this vision and dream of liberating and visualising all of world's knowledge in this way a reality. Let's do this together. 🌍

I already have a lot of information mapped in this way. There are many books neatly sorted by their topic. Ones that are free, will have 'free: ' as a note added to them and the mind map will provide a link to the free book you can read. I have mapped interesting blogs sorted by their domain, various educational resources, educational websites, quora communities, reddit subreddits, research papers and more. I have over 2500 mind maps of content, which I hope to fill with most useful resources and links. So please help. πŸ’™

As I learn more and more topics, I also make flash cards that I use to consolidate this knowledge.

Contributing πŸŽ‰

There are many ways in which you can contribute and make this mind map even more amazing.

  1. All the nodes of this mind map should have the best resources one can get on learning the topic. The internet is a big place though, if you found something interesting and valuable that is not found in the mind maps, please take a look at the issues page and add the resource to the appropriate issue.

So if for exampe you found an amazing course on computer graphics, you would go here and make a search for 'courses' like so :

and then say what course you wish was added in the appropriate issue :

Aside from educational and learning material, resources you can add also include relevant articles, talks and videos appropriate to the topic. The focus is on quality of information rather than amount.

  1. If you think there is something interesting that I have missed completely to add to the main mind map, please say it here.

  2. I am also providing descriptions to each of the nodes in the main mind map as can be seen here. If you think that something is wrong or perhaps it can be said better, please say it here. The index is auto generated by the app thus pull requests are not possible.

  3. Found a mistake? Perhaps you think the way I have structured the nodes is wrong or it is better to move a node somewhere else? Say it here. This mind map should represent knowledge visually in the most accurate and sensible way and I can't do it alone.

  4. Take a look at the study plan. Do you think it can be improved? If yes, please add your input. Each of the topics has a dedicated issue for it where anyone can propose changes. The goal is to cover any topic one could possibly want to learn in the most efficient way possible.

Fast searching πŸ”Ž

I want to reduce the amount of time it takes to find the information you need, currently the two most optimal ways to open the mind map you are looking for are :

  1. Bookmarking the web page with list of all the mind maps and just searching for what you want there.

  2. Or you can download an alfred workflow which would allow you to instantly search and open the mind map you need from wherever you are. Requires macOS and paid powerpack for Alfred but I am looking to expand it to more launchers so it works on all operating systems.

Future πŸš€

I want to develop a web interface search engine for these mind maps where users can search and be presented with an interactive mind map of links and resources instead of a static set of links.

I also want to create visualisations in code for each of the topics as visualisians and playing around are the keys to understanding and comprehension.

The end goal is to make the image above into an interactive mind map that users can actually explore.

I love writing. I find the act of writing really enjoyable as I try to condense information in a way that another person can understand.

I really love programming, building and sharing the things I have built.

Ask πŸ’¬

If you have some specific questions about this project or about myself, my interests and my personal workflow. I would love to hear them and you can ask them here. You can also view past questions that I have answered.