
iTalanta portfolio template for the open-source externships

Hi 👋, I'm Jente Rosseel

A partner of Moringa, ready to start working with iTalanta open-source!


Jente Rosseel's LinkedIn   Jente Rosseel's Twitter   Jente Rosseel's Stack Overflow


Get to know me

💬 I'm an expert on software architectures for Google Cloud, AWS and/or Azure.

📝 I regularly write articles on https://blog.italanta.net/

📄 Know about my experiences through my CV

🌱 I’m currently developing a cloud-independent library for Serverless DevOps.

⚡ Fun fact? Find me behind the guitar 🎸, harmonica 🎺 or piano 🎹

My work

🔭 I’m currently working on Elewa

🔭 I’m currently working on Kujali

🤝 About to score this bounty!

👨‍💻 Review my projects at https://github.com/italanta

Interested ?

📫 Reach me on jente@elewa.ke

My experience

Project Kujali


Kujali is a financial manager that allows businesses to plan for their spending through financial forecasts, and then to track their actual expenditure against what was forecasted.

I have developed the base architecture for the financial management system, as well as designed and tested different cards for the development team to implement.

My contributions

Date Issue Status Link
17/01/23 🏇 Upgrade performance of financial forecasts Completed #22
12/01/23 🏇 Upgrade performance of financial forecasts Closed/Approved #22

The technologies I used

typescript angular html5 css3 gcp firebase nodejs chartjs

Project Elewa

2022 - 2023

The Elewa "Conversational Learning Manager" is a Learning Management System (LMS) which allows organisations to design courses based on chat bots (through a visual editor).

I have developed the base architecture for the visual chatbot editor, as well as was instrumental in the design of the chatbot engine.

My contributions

Date Issue Status Link
26/09/22 🚚🏠⚡ Conversations state and model layer Merged #79
01/08/22 🚀 Add serverless backend capabilities Merged #19
12/07/22 🚀 Setup the application Merged #2
11/07/22 🏠 Data model for story and story blocks Merged #1

The technologies I used

typescript angular html5 css3 gcp firebase nodejs

My GitHub Overview
