It is a RESTfull API
There are 6 routes
To start server, use npm start or npm run dev(nodemon).nodemon automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory.
- Method POST http://localhost:5000/api/createUser { "name":"kanha", "email":"kanhu.shoo0@gmail.com", "mobile":"9556966276", "address":{"street":"vanibihar", "locality":"bbsr", "city":"bbsr", "state":"odisha", "pincode":"752063", "coordinatesType":{"type":"point", "coordinates":[22.46, 82.98]}} }
- Method GET
- Get all user that exist in database
- Method PUT
- To update an existing user(a query param id is required).
- Method DELETE
- delete an existing user(a query param id is required).
- Method GET http://localhost:5000/api/sortBycreatedAt *get all user sorted by createdAt and query param of limit can be passed for pagination.
- . http://localhost:5000/api/sortByCoordinate
- Passed in the query param of the Endpoint for example(lng=83&lat=12.48)