
This EDA is about player and teams

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project explores NBA players performance metrics and their impact on team success. The data used from the kaggle it was cleaned to remove duplicates, missing values, and outliers.

Table of contents

Data collection

The data used for this analysis was collected from Kaggle websites and cleaned to remove duplicates, missing values, and outliers. The data includes player performance metrics, team statistics, and contract values

Tools Used

The analysis was performed using Python, with the following libraries and tools:

  • Pandas: for data cleaning, manipulation, and analysis
  • NumPy: for numerical computing
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: for data visualization

Data exploration

  • After collecting a data, It was cleaned by removing any duplicates, missing values, or outliers.

  • Analysed players performance using different metrics such as points per game, assists per game, rebounds per game, shooting percentages etc.

  • Comparision between players statistics such as there college, draft round , shooting, defence percentagee etc.

  • Also explored how the game is changed over the years


Overall, the analysis provides valuable insights into NBA player performance metrics and their impact on team success.

  • Most Players play in the NBA are from USA as its there national level leauge.
  • Kentucky, Ducke and UCLA are the top universities which develope most drafted NBA Players.
  • Average height of NBA players is 6.5ft
  • Teams Performace also analysed which showed that San Antanio Spurs is most impactive team.