
A 2D ray-tracing program using generalized Snell's law

Primary LanguageC++

Ray Tracing

This program implements the core algorithm of sequential ray-tracing. Instead of using ray transfer matrix (a.k.a. ABCD matrix), this program uses differential geometry, which can cope with any parameterizable surfaces.

alt text

Installation and build

The following install procedures only tested on Ubuntu Linux

  • Clone this repo with --recurse-submodules
  • Download BOOST library
  • Add cmake parameter -DBOOST_ROOT=/your/boost/library
  • Download and add Eigen library
  • Install plplot: sudo apt-get install libplplot-dev pkg-config --cflags --libs plplot-c++
  • Install yaml-cpp:
    • Download yaml-cpp
    • Make a ./build directory
    • Run cmake ..
    • Run make and then sudo make install. or sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev


This software builds with googletest and eigen, please make sure you add --recurse-submodules when cloning the repo, i.e.,

git clone https://github.com/kanhua/cpp-raytracing.git --recurse-submodules

This software requires the following external libraries


Download Boost and set -DBOOST_ROOT=/your/boost/library when running cmake.


Use apt-get: sudo apt-get install libplplot-dev then check if the package exists by: pkg-config --cflags --libs plplot-c++ or pkg-config --cflags --libs plplotd-c++


Use sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev


  • Downlaod yaml-cpp
  • Make a ./build directory
  • Run cmake ..
  • Run make and then sudo make install.


In the root folder of this repo:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Run the program

In build directory, run the command cpp-raytracing using the following usage

./cpp_raytracing [config_filename]

config_filename is a yaml file that sets the lenses and the rays parameters for the program to run.

For example, if the executable sits in build/ directory in project root folder, you can type:

./cpp_raytracing ../examples/single_biconvex_lens.yaml

Upon successful run, this program should generate a SVG file that plots the ray tracing results. You can try other example yaml files in examples/ folder.

Project structure

The entry class of the simulation is OpticalSystem, which consists of vectors of OpticalRays and AsphericSurfaces. AsphericSurfaces class manages the shape of the lens surfaces; OpticalRays records the paths of each light rays. The key algorithm of this program occurs in AsphericSurface::intersect(OpticalRay &ray, const_refractive_index_functor prev_n), which calculates the intersection between a ray and a lens surface, and then calculates the refracted path after that.

Then, the simulated data is plotted by PlPlot library via the wrapper PLStreamWrapper.