
Recv data from esp32 using flutter blue and marking data from google maps

Primary LanguageDart


Recv data from esp32 using flutter blue and marking data from google maps

The aim of the project, which is designed to prevent respiratory system disorders;
Sending data such as temperature, humidity etc. to mobile application via ESP32. If these data are high values, warn the user via notification. By marking risky areas on Google Maps, allowing users to see whether their destination is risky or not.

Multi-language support to appeal to all users

You can customize the theme

First you register and login

After successfully login, the homepage will come up. Data from esp32 is displayed on the main page.

Let's switch to the risk map using the navigation bar

Risky places are marked on the risk map and risky parts are displayed for the user. User can rate places. But we call it a breath, not a vote.