Media-PlayerTOOLS USED

⦁ NetBeans IDE to develop the project. ⦁ Scene Builder to build the Interface.

Platform : Java Programming Language : Java IDE Tool : Netbeans Interface Builder: Scene Builder Database : No Project Type : Desktop Application


The Media Player is completely an implementation of the interfaces, classes and methods inbuilt in Java Media FrameWork(JMF). Yhe main purpose of this player is to provide a simple and reliable player independent of platforms.


⦁ Play ⦁ Pause ⦁ Rewind ⦁ stop ⦁ Volume Control ⦁ Timeline ⦁ Speed

Data Model

• JMF media players usually use DataSources to manage the transfer of media-content. A DataSource encapsulates both the location of media and the protocol and software used to deliver the media. Once obtained, the source cannot be reused to deliver other media. • A DataSource is identified by either a JMF MediaLocator or a URL (universal resource locator). A MediaLocator is similar to a URL and can be constructed from a URL, but can be constructed even if the corresponding protocol handler is not installed on the system. (Note: In Java, a URL can only be constructed if the corresponding protocol handler is installed on the system.) – A standard data source uses a byte array as the unit of transfer. A buffer data source uses a Buffer object as its unit of transfer. • JMF data sources can be categorized according to how data transfer is initiated: – Pull Data-Source--the client initiates the data transfer and controls the flow of data from pull data-sources. – Push Data-Source--the server initiates the data transfer and controls the flow of data from a push data-source. Push datasources include broadcast media, multicast media, and video-ondemand (VOD).


• JMF uses four managers: – Manager--handles the construction of Players, Processors, DataSources, and DataSinks. This level of indirection allows new implementations to be integrated seamlessly with JMF. – PackageManager--maintains a registry of packages that contain JMF classes, such as custom Players, Processors, DataSources, and DataSinks. – CaptureDeviceManager--maintains a registry of available capture devices. – PlugInManager--maintains a registry of available JMF plug-in processing components, such as Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Codecs, Effects, and Renderers. JMF: Main Functionality • Presentation – Take media content from a DataSource and render it. – This functionality is contained in the Controller interface • Player extends this interface • Processing – Take media content from a DataSource, perform some userdefined processing on it, and output it – This functionality is contained in the Processor interface • Processor extends the Player interface • Capture – A capturing device can act as a source for multimedia data. – Capture devices are abstracted as DataSources. • Media Storage and Transmission – A DataSink reads media data from a DataSource and renders it to some destination (generally a destination other than a presentation device). – E.g., A DataSink might write data to a file, write data across the network.


• A Player processes an input stream of media data and renders it at a precise time. A DataSource is used to deliver the input media-stream to the Player.The rendering destination depends on the type of media being presented.


⦁ Import the project on the NetBeans IDE and run it