
Meant for Homework 1 for the Advanced Internet Computing which involves implementing Web Search using Apache Lucene

Primary LanguageJava


This repository is made for Homework 1 of Advanced Internet Computing, Spring 2023 at Georgia Tech. It involves implementing a Toy Web Search using Apache Lucene where the Web Pages are craweled and scraped using Jsoup, and then indexed for the searching.

Basic Information:

Number of web pages crawled: 1601

Language: Java 8+ (openjdk-18), IDE: IntelliJ

Libraries Used: Jsoup - 1.11.2 – for web crawling, Apache Lucene - 7 – for Indexing and Searching, OpenCSV - 4.4 – for writing the analytics data to CSV. The exact versions are included in pom.xml.

Analysers considered while indexing:

  1. Standard Analyser
  2. Stop Analyser
  3. Simple Analyser
  4. Standard Analyser

Tool for Visualisation: Tableau


  1. Run the crawler: CrawlerMain.java- Contains the seed URL cc.gatech.edu and depth as 30.

Note: This repository already contains the crawled files. This step can be skipped unless more or less number of web pages are to be included with a different seed url and depth.

  1. Create Indexes for Specific Tasks: IndexMain.java- It contains multiple index creation methods which that are tailored to the one-by-one execution needed to finish the tasks asked in the homework. Note, there are separate executor methods made for each part.

Note: This repository already contains the indexed files in the indexes folder for the crawled files from the step 1.

  1. Search the keywords: SearchMain.java- It include functionalities like keyword search, total number of keywords stored so far, and print top N keywords, which can be executed one by one to accomplish the tasks being asked.