Welcome to CONFER Science Conference

It's time to join with annual CONFER science conference 2019. The CONFER science committee decided to held the conference 14th , 15th and 16th of January 2019 in Shangil-la hotel,Bangkok.

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Let's see what we have for you.....

About Us While the science conference happening there are additional items which are offer by organizers such as workshops,coffee breaks and events. Therefore it will be fantastic day for you all.

Speakers Let me introduce our valuable guest speakers who will going to join us to carry "CONFER" science conference for a great level. Here are speakers

  • Albert Barnes - Founder
  • Patricia Stanley - Product Lead
  • Evelyn Stone - Photographer
  • Susan Hopkins - UX Manager
  • Michael Fowler - Product Design


You can see conference schedule from following link. Go Through ......

Tickets You can grab your tickets under three categories.

  1. One day pass : $59 > - One Day Conference Ticket > - Coffee-break > - Lunch and Networking > - Keynote talk > - Talk to the Editors Session

  2. Full pass : $99 > - One Day Conference Ticket > - Coffee-break > - Lunch and Networking > - Keynote talk > - Talk to the Editors Session

  3. Group pass : $199 > - One Day Conference Ticket > - Coffee-break > - Lunch and Networking > - Keynote talk > - Talk to the Editors Session

####Contacts If you have any doubt regarding this "CONFER" science conference you can contact us. Follow this link and fill the form and send message to us.We hope to solve your issues as soon as possible. Link for form....

Post us  	 :	184 Main Collins Street
Call us		 : (226) 446 9371
Mail us	     : confer@gmail.com
Google us    : www.confer.com