
Here are the dot files for my desktop configuration.


Install the following application in your system :

  • adapta-gtk-theme
  • network-manager-applet-indicator
  • i3-gaps
  • compton-tryone-git
  • nitrogen
  • polybar
  • rofi
  • ttf-font-awesome
  • termite
  • conky-lua
  • wal-git
  • xfce4-power-manager
  • clipit
  • xorg-xinput
  • xorg-xbacklight
  • pulseaudio
  • gnome-screenshot
  • lxappearance

For Arch-linux / Arch based Distros I have written the installation script install-arch.sh To install this config, execute the following commands :


If your system is an Arch based one. Else install all the applications mentioned above manually.

./install-arch.sh ./copy-config.sh ``
