
An Unified API for various soicial media platforms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An Unified API for various soicial media platforms

Development Insructions

Make a new social media

Make a new directory under social_medias for adding a new social media. The property of the social media should be a new python file of the same name and it should contain a class of the same name.

The class should inherit from Feed class in abstract. The social media class should define the fucntion _getStories(keyword) and this function should return a list of Story items.

The Story item take 2 arguments for initialisation;

  • identity - Source of Story item. Ex: youtube.channel.thenewboston
  • d - A dictionary of items containing, for example, title, url, etc.

Sample code:

# social_medias/facebook/group.py

from ...abstract import Feed, Story

class group(Feed):
  def _getStories(keyword):
    items = getItems(keyword)
    return_data = []
    for item in items:
      d = dict(title=item.title
      return_data.append(Story('facebook.group.'+keyword, d))
    return return_data

Testing the new social media

From the root of the repository, launch python interpretor.

>>> import unified_social_api as usa
>>> pclub = usa.get_object('facebook.group', 'pclubiiti')
>>> pclub
Sources: facebook
Length: 27
>>> tnb = usa.get_object('youtube.channel', 'thenewboston')
>>> tnb
Sources: youtube
Length: 50
>>> pclub.extend(tnb)
>>> pclub
Sources: facebook, youtube
Length: 77