
The application has been deployed to :

Primary LanguageVue


This is a sample project showcasing the use of Youtube Data API v3.



The user can search for entries in the search bar which is available on top of the page. After entering the search term, press enter/search button. This will redirect to the search page.

Search Page

The Search results will be showed up here. The user can :

  • sort the results by Date Published or by title.
  • Reverse the list.
  • Filter the list by videos/playlists/channels.
  • Click any of the entries to open it in the respective Video/Channel/Playlist page.

Video Player Page

This page allows the user to :

  • Watch the video selected.
  • View the details of the video.

Playlist Page

This page allows the user to :

  • List all the videos in the playlist.
  • Clicking the video will redirect the user to the respective Video player page.
  • View the details of the playlist.

Channel Page

This page allows the user to :

  • View the details of the channel.
  • List all the playlists in the channel.
  • Clicking the playlist will redirect the user to the respective Playlist page.

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Build Instructions

  • Clone the repository onto the system :
    git clone https://github.com/kanishkarj/youtube-clone
  • Open terminal and move into the project folder :
    cd youtube-clone
  • Install Yarn onto your computer. Click here to find instructions to install it on your system.
  • Execute the following commands on the console to launch the application :
    yarn install
    yarn run serve