Eye-Controlled Mouse and Voice Recognition

This project combines eye-tracking technology with voice recognition to create an interactive system that allows users to control their computer using eye movements and voice commands.


  • Eye Tracking: The system uses a webcam and the MediaPipe library to track eye movements, allowing users to move the mouse cursor with their eyes and perform actions such as clicking by blinking.
  • Voice Recognition: Utilizes the SpeechRecognition library to recognize voice commands spoken by the user. Commands include opening applications, performing system actions (e.g., shutdown, restart), controlling volume/brightness, and more.
  • Integration with PyAutoGUI: PyAutoGUI is used to simulate mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and system controls based on the user's eye movements and voice commands.


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)
  • MediaPipe (pip install mediapipe)
  • PyAutoGUI (pip install pyautogui)
  • SpeechRecognition (pip install SpeechRecognition)

Usage notes

  • Make sure to run the scripts in a well-lit environment for optimal eye tracking accuracy.
  • Calibration may be required for accurate eye movement detection.
  • Voice commands should be spoken clearly and in a language supported by the SpeechRecognition library.




