
Uploads Frigate clips to Google Drive using MQTT

Primary LanguagePython

Frigate to Google Drive Instant Uploader with MQTT

This is a simple script that uploads event clips from Frigate to Google Drive instantly using MQTT (without cronjobs). It uses a SQLite database to keep track of uploaded events and only uploads new events. In case of an error, the script will retry to upload the event clip.

Because I'm using Mattermost as chat software, I've added a webhook to send a message to a Mattermost channel when an error occurs.

You'll need a MQTT broker like Apache Mosquitto or similar. This script watches for new events from Frigate and uploads them to Google Drive within seconds.

In my case I use Apache Mosquitto as MQTT broker and Frigate as NVR software. Frigate, Mosquitto and this script are running on the same Proxmox server in LXC containers.


  • python 3.8
  • MQTT broker
  • Frigate with configured MQTT
  • Google Service Account with access to Google Drive

Example Frigate configuration

  user: username
  password: secret
  port: 1883
  topic_prefix: frigate
  client_id: frigate

# rest of your config.yml

Check if your MQTT broker is working by subscribing to the topic frigate/events with a MQTT client like MQTT Explorer or mosquitto_sub. If so, you should see events from Frigate and can use this script.

Usage without Docker

  1. clone this repository
  2. rename env_example to .env and change values to your needs
  3. run python setup.py in project root directory to install all required packages
  4. create a project in google cloud console and enable drive api
  5. create a service account and give it access to your Google Drive
  6. activate domain-wide-delegation for the service account and add the necessary scope "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive" to prevent "Quota Exceeded" errors if you upload more than 15 GB per day.
  7. download the service account json file from Google and copy its content to credentials/service_account.json
  8. run python main.py in project root directory

Usage with Docker

  1. clone this repository
  2. rename env_example to .env and change values to your needs
  3. create a project in google cloud console and enable drive api
  4. create a service account and give it access to your Google Drive
  5. download the service account json file from Google and copy its content to credentials/service_account.json
  6. activate domain-wide-delegation for the service account and add the necessary scope "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive" to prevent "Quota Exceeded" errors if you upload more than 15 GB per day.
  7. run docker compose up -d in project root directory
  8. check logs with docker logs frigate-gdrive-instant-uploader or see /logs/app.log