This is a PHP agent for's APM product:
New: Laravel & Lumen package
The recommended way to install the agent is through Composer.
Run the following composer command
php composer.phar require philkra/elastic-apm-php-agent
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent( [ 'appName' => 'demo' ] );
When creating the agent, you can directly inject shared contexts such as user, tags and custom.
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent( [ 'appName' => 'with-custom-context' ], [
'user' => [
'id' => 12345,
'email' => '',
'tags' => [
// ... more key-values
'custom' => [
// ... more key-values
] );
The agent can capture all types or errors and exceptions that are implemented from the interface Throwable
$agent->captureThrowable( new Exception() );
Addings spans ( is easy. Please consult the documentation for your exact needs. Below is an example for adding a MySQL span.
// create the agent
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent(['appName' => 'Demo with Spans']);
// start a new transaction
$transaction = $agent->startTransaction('GET /some/transaction/name');
// create a span
$spans = [];
$spans[] = [
'name' => 'Your Span Name. eg: ORM Query',
'type' => 'db.mysql.query',
'start' => 300, // when did tht query start, relative to the transaction start, in milliseconds
'duration' => 23, // duration, in milliseconds
'stacktrace' => [
'function' => "\\YourOrMe\\Library\\Class::methodCall()",
'abs_path' => '/full/path/to/file.php',
'filename' => 'file.php',
'lineno' => 30,
'library_frame' => false, // indicated whether this code is 'owned' by an (external) library or not
'vars' => [
'arg1' => 'value',
'arg2' => 'value2',
'pre_context' => [ // lines of code leading to the context line
'// executing query below',
'context_line' => '$result = mysql_query("select * from non_existing_table")', // source code of context line
'post_context' => [// lines of code after to the context line
'$table = $fakeTableBuilder->buildWithResult($result);',
'return $table;',
'context' => [
'db' => [
'instance' => 'my_database', // the database name
'statement' => 'select * from non_existing_table', // the query being executed
'type' => 'sql',
'user' => 'root', // the user executing the query (don't use root!)
// add the array of spans to the transaction
// send our transactions to te apm
$trxName = 'Demo Simple Transaction';
$agent->startTransaction( $trxName );
// Do some stuff you want to watch ...
$agent->stopTransaction( $trxName );
$trxName = 'Demo Transaction with more Data';
$agent->startTransaction( $trxName );
// Do some stuff you want to watch ...
$agent->stopTransaction( $trxName, [
'result' => '200',
'type' => 'demo'
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setUserContext( [
'id' => 12345,
'email' => "",
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setCustomContext( [
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => [ 'foo1' => 'bar1', 'foo2' => 'bar2' ]
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setTags( [ 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' ] );
appName : Name of this application, Required
appVersion : Application version, Default: ''
serverUrl : APM Server Endpoint, Default: ''
secretToken: Secret token for APM Server, Default: null
hostname : Hostname to transmit to the APM Server, Default: gethostname()
active : Activate the APM Agent, Default: true
timeout : Guzzle Client timeout, Default: 5
apmVersion : APM Server Intake API version, Default: 'v1'
env : $_SERVER vars to send to the APM Server, empty set sends all. Keys are case sensitive, Default: []
httpClient : Extended GuzzleHttp\Client Default: []
Detailed GuzzleHttp\Client
options can be found here.
$config = [
'appName' => 'My WebApp',
'appVersion' => '1.0.42',
'serverUrl' => '',
'secretToken' => 'DKKbdsupZWEEzYd4LX34TyHF36vDKRJP',
'hostname' => '',
'httpClient' => [
'verify' => false,
'proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125'
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent($config);
In case you want to disable the agent dynamically for hybrid SAPI usage, please use the following snippet.
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli'
In case for the Laravel APM provider:
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && env('ELASTIC_APM_ACTIVE', false)
Thank you to @jblotus, (philkra/elastic-apm-laravel#19)