
This project is to help people who are looking for caregiver services find those exact services much more easily then going through a million websites in their locality

Primary LanguagePython


Presenation: https://slidesgo.com/editor?template=9d847650-2e64-42eb-9f45-93a79805d15e&aipresentation=%7B%22topic%22%3A%22Helping+Conservationists+apply+to+federal+grants%22%2C%22tone%22%3A%22Formal%22%2C%22language%22%3Anull%2C%22vector%22%3A19089%2C%22slides%22%3A8%7D&lang=en#rs=landing-ai-slidesgo

Video: https://www.loom.com/share/46accf9168c74bc0b1d4a997a92506e3?sid=2719203c-1c59-40b7-9787-742016007da3

Another thing that can be added to the presentation is this data that shows that billions are being poured into Federal grants but the actual amount that goes to people that matters is miniscule

I dont know if youn came across this tool
