
You know what these are, copying is encouraged

Primary LanguageLua


You know what these are, copying is encouraged. I will add more and more configs when I get the chance

Added configs for

  • init.vim
  • zshrc
  • tmux.conf
  • htoprc
  • alacritty.yml
  • ~~i3~

Needs Update/Left Out

  • gitconfig


  1. Google Chrome
  2. vscode
    • extensions in extensions.txt
  3. Alacritty
    • alacritty themes
  4. zsh
  5. oh-my-zsh
  6. powerlevel10k
  7. Spotify
  8. fzf
  9. exa
  10. asusctl
  11. zoxide
  12. volt.sh
  13. tldr.sh
  14. neovim/vim
  15. packer.nvim
  16. ripgrep
  17. docker
  18. conda
  19. githubcli
  20. cargo
  21. fonts
    • Inter
    • Iosevka
    • MesloLGS
  22. Typora
  23. tmux
  24. compiler toolchain
  25. cargo