A nice color picker using Java Swing that contains a visual color selection and input boxes to enter RGB and HSB values manually:
- Two color modes HSV and RGB
- Includes an alpha selection
- Determine color by hex code
- Allows to select color by clicking on color wheel
- Minimal dependencies (only SLF4J)
- Compatible with Java versions since version 8
- Well documented
- Easy to use
- Completely free and open source
Include the following dependency to your project:
Use the class com.bric.colorpicker.ColorPicker
as an entry point. You can easily initialize the panel using
ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(true, true);
colorPicker.addColorListener(colorModel -> System.out.println(colorModel.getColor()));
This creates a color picker component with expert controls and opacity settings. If the user selects a color, the color listener will be notified.
The color picker supports localization. You can set the locale by passing it to the constructor:
ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(true, true, Locale.FRENCH);
// or
ColorPickerDialog.showDialog(null, Color.GREEN, Locale.FRENCH);
Currently, the following languages are supported:
- English
- Español
- Français
- Deutsch
- Português
- Русский
Please use Maven to build and test the project.
mvn install
This will install the version to your local repository. You can now include it:
or Gradle with Groovy DSL:
implementation 'org.drjekyll:fontchooser:1.4.4-SNAPSHOT'
or Gradle with Kotlin DSL:
Please see here: Contributing
This color picker was a part of the javagraphics project (http://javagraphics.blogspot.com), initiated by Jeremy Wood. The javagraphics project is a collection of small stand-alone projects.
The original color picker component is copyright 2011 by Jeremy Wood.
This modification of the color picker is released under a BSD 3-Clause license. More details can be found here:
Prevent NPE on resize (dheid#26)
Fixed null-pointer exception on changing slider
- Introduced Lombok
- Migrated to JUnit 5
- Updated dependencies and plugins
- Migrated to GitHub