
Dart port of our popular courier library

Primary LanguageDart

Build and Smoketest Status Documentation Maintenance GitHub Release Date GitHub last commit Discord : Gojek Courier


Courier is a library for creating long running connections using MQTT which is the industry standard for IoT Messaging. Long running connection is a persistent connection established between client & server for bi-directional communication. A long running connection is maintained for as long as possible with the help of keepalive packets for instant updates. This also saves battery and data on mobile devices.

Detailed Documentation

Find the detailed documentation here - https://gojek.github.io/courier-flutter/

End-to-end courier example - https://gojek.github.io/courier/docs/Introduction

Getting Started

Setup Courier to subscribe, send, and receive message with bi-directional long running connection between iOS device and broker.

Sample App

A sample application is added here which makes Courier connection with a HiveMQ public broker. It demonstrates multiple functionalities of Courier like Connect, Disconnect, Publish, Subscribe and Unsubscribe.

Running sample app

  • Clone the project from GitHub
  • Open courier_dart_sdk_demo folder
  • Run flutter run


Run this command:

With Flutter:

$ flutter pub add courier_flutter

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  courier_flutter: ^0.0.4

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:courier_dart_sdk/courier_client.dart';

To integrate iOS Courier SDK

Add the following snippet to Podfile in your project's iOS folder:

      pod 'CourierCore', '0.0.14', :modular_headers => true
      pod 'CourierMqtt', '0.0.14', :modular_headers => true

Create CourierClient

CourierClient is the class that we use for any MQTT tasks such as connection, subscription, send and receive message. To initialize an instance of CourierClient we can use the static method like so.

final CourierClient courierClient = CourierClient.create(
      dio: Dio(),
      config: CourierConfiguration(
          tokenApi: apiUrl,
          authResponseMapper: CourierResponseMapper(),
          authRetryPolicy: DefaultAuthRetryPolicy(),
          readTimeoutSeconds: 60,

Required Configs

  • Dio : We use dio package for making HTTP request. This will provide you flexibility to use your own Dio instance in case you have various custom headers need to be sent to the server (e.g Authentication, etc).

  • tokenApi: An endpoint URL that returns JSON containing credential for mapping to CourierConnectOptions.

  • authResponseMapper: Instance of AuthResponseMapper for mapping JSON returned by tokenAPI URL to CourierConnectOptions.

  • authRetryPolicy: Retry policy used to handle retry when tokenAPI URL fails

Providing Token API URL with JSON Credential Response

To connect to MQTT broker you need to provide an endpoint URL that returns JSON containing these payload.

	"clientId": "randomcourier1234567",
	"username": "randomcourier1234567",
    "password": "randomcourier4321",
	"host": "broker.mqttdashboard.com",
	"port": 1883,
	"cleanSession": true,
	"keepAlive": 45

Map JSON to CourierConnectOptions

You need to create and implement AuthResponseMapper to map the JSON to the CourierConnectOptions instance.

class CourierResponseMapper implements AuthResponseMapper {
  CourierConnectOptions map(Map<String, dynamic> response) => CourierConnectOptions(
      clientId: response["clientId"],
      username: response["username"],
      host: response["host"],
      port: response["port"],
      cleanSession: response["cleanSession"],
      keepAliveSeconds: response["keepAlive"],
      password: response['password']

Setup CourierClient with Token API and Auth Mapper

You need to pass the tokenAPI URL and authResponseMapper when initializing the CourierClient like so.

final CourierClient courierClient = CourierClient.create(
    dio: Dio(),
    config: CourierConfiguration(
        tokenApi: "https://example.com/courier-credentials/",
        authResponseMapper: CourierResponseMapper(),

We use dio package for making HTTP request. This will provide you flexibility to use your own Dio instance in case you have various custom headers need to be sent to the server (e.g Authentication, etc).

Managing Connection Lifecycle in CourierClient

To connect to the broker, you simply need to invoke connect method


To disconnect, you just need to invoke disconnect method


As MQTT supports QoS 1 and QoS 2 message to ensure deliverability when there is no internet connection and user reconnected back to broker, we also persists those message in local cache. To disconnect and remove all of this cache, you can invoke.


Courier internally handles reconnection in case of bad/lost internet connection.

QoS level in MQTT

The Quality of Service (QoS) level is an agreement between the sender of a message and the receiver of a message that defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message. There are 3 QoS levels in MQTT:

  • At most once (0)
  • At least once (1)
  • Exactly once (2).

When you talk about QoS in MQTT, you need to consider the two sides of message delivery:

  • Message delivery form the publishing client to the broker.
  • Message delivery from the broker to the subscribing client.

You can read more about the detail of QoS in MQTT from HiveMQ site.

Subscribe to topics from Broker

To subscribe to a topic from the broker, invoke susbscribe method on CourierClient passing the topic string and QoS.

courierClient.subscribe("chat/user1", QoS.one);

Receive Message from Subscribed Topic

After you have subscribed to the topic, you need to listen to a message stream passing the associated topic. The type of the parameter in the listen callback is byte array UInt8List.

courierClient.courierMessageStream("chat/user1").listen((message) {
    print("Message received: ${event}");

Unsubscribe from topics

To unsubscribe from a topic, simply invoke unsubscribe passing the topic string.


Send Message to Broker

To publish message to the broker, you need to serialize your data to byte array UInt8List

// Example of Custom TestData class
Uint8List testDataEncoder(TestData testData) => testData.toBytes();

Next, you need to initalize CourierMessage instance passing the bytes, topic string, and qos like so.

final message = CourierMessage(
    bytes: testDataEncoder(TestData("Hello World")),
    topic: "/chat/user1",
    qos: QoS.one

Finally, you need to invoke publishCourierMessage on CourierClient passing the message.


Listening to Courier System Events

Courier provides ability to register and listen to library events emitted by the Client (connect attempt/success/failure, message send/receive, subscribe/unsubscribe). All you need to do is listen to courierEventStream from CourieClient.

courierClient.courierEventStream().listen((event) {
    print("Event received: ${event}");

The type of the parameter is an abstract class CourierEvent with these public interfaces:

  • name: Name of the event.
  • connectionInfo Connection Info tied to the event
  • getEventPropertiesMap: A key value map containing the properties related to the event.

You can try to Cast the CourierEvent to concrete implementation that provides additional properties such as:

  • MQTTConnectAttemptEvent
  • MQTTConnectSuccessEvent
  • MQTTConnectFailureEvent
  • ...

Contribution Guidelines

Read our contribution guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to Courier iOS library.


All Courier modules are MIT Licensed.