
ibpp cmake version ready to use with ci/cd

Primary LanguageC++


This is an update to C ++ 11 standards from the original IBPP project. IBPP, where the 'PP' stands for '++', is a C ++ client interface for Firebird SQL. This update was due to the fact that the last update to the official repository is in 2015. This source code for QT was forking from https://github.com/saulozitos/IBPP-Library/tree/master.

This is a cmake version ready to use with ci/cd.



git clone https://github.com/kansoftware/ibpp.git
cd ibpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -- -j `nproc`
cpack -G DEB

Install package

sudo apt -f ibpp-0.0.1-Linux.deb

Change cmake

Add the following lines to cmake:

include_directories( /usr/include/kansoftware/)
link_directories( /usr/lib/kansoftware/)
target_link_libraries( #YOUR_TARGET_PROJECT# ibpp )
