
Feathersjs client wrote in pure swift 3.0

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

It was archived. Please write to me at kanstantsin.bucha@icloud.com in case any issues occur.


CI Status Version License Platform


Feathersjs SocketIO Client for iOS wrote in Swift 3.0

Could receive and emit events(with/without ack), handle server responses using clear response object. Processing auto reconnects, but you should handle Authentification yourself.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. You could use local featherjs server by cloninig this repo https://github.com/truebucha/FeathersjsTestApp

HOWTO use http transport

add to your app info plist


HOWTO connect

        self.feathers = FeathersClient(URL: URL(string: "https://feathersjs-client-swift.herokuapp.com/")!,
                                       namespace: nil,
                                       token: "sdfsdfsdf",
                                       timeout: 60)
        let auth = UserAuth(email: "e1@mail.com", password: "pass5")
        guard auth != nil else {
            print("Email should be valid and password length should be more than 5 symbols")
        feathers?.onConnect = { [unowned self] response, ack in
            do { try self.feathers?.authorize(auth!) { (response) in
                let error = response.extractError()
                guard error == nil else {
                    print("Authentification error: \r\n \(error)")
                let object = response.extractDataObject()
                let ID = object?["id"]
                let userID = ID as? Int
                guard userID != nil else {
                    let reason = NSLocalizedString("INVALID_USER_ID", comment: "")
                    print("Authentification error: \r\n \(reason)")
                print("Signed in as user with id \(userID)")
                // Do you stuff here
            } catch {
                print("Connection error: \r\n \(error)")
        feathers?.onError = { response, ack in
            if case let FeathersResponse.error(error) = response {
                print("Connection error: \r\n \(error)")    
        feathers?.onDisconnect = { response, ack in
            print("Connection disconnect")
        feathers?.onUnathorize = { response, ack in
            print("Connection unauthorized")

HOWTO send event (create user)

        let object: FeathersRequestObject = ["email": "e@mail.com",
                                             "password" : "pass5"]
        let emitter = Emitter(feathers: self.feathers!,
                              event: "users::create",
                              authRequired: false)
        do { try emitter.emitWithAck(object) { (response) in
            let error = response.extractError()
            guard error == nil else {
                print("Creation error error: \r\n \(error)")
            let object = response.extractResponseObject()
            print("Received \(object)")
            // you stuff
        } catch {
            print("Connection error: \r\n \(error)") 

HOWTO receive event (unauthorization event)

        authFailedReceiver =  Receiver(feathers: self.feathers!,
                                       event: "unauthorized")
        do { try
            self.authFailedReceiver?.startListening() { (response, ack) in
            let object = response.extractResponseObject()
                print("Received unauthentification event \(object)")
        } catch {
            print("===== authFailedReceiver has error: \(error)")



FeathersjsClientSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "FeathersjsClientSwift"


Kanstantsin Bucha, truebucha@gmail.com


FeathersjsClientSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.