
True Dropbox API v2 Library Implementation based on official sdk. More than 2 years up and running

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


used gracefully in app store

CI Status Version License Platform


Stable version, core updated to ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 3.1.2. This framework provide basic two way synchronization functionality for dropbox and changes nofification in both ways. It uses official dropbox API version 2 under the hood. It smoothes broken changes that official guys do every release. It was written using SOLID principles in DRY mode


    Updated to to ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 3.1.2 and checked
    Improved iOS example logging


  1. initiate dropbox after application will launch
self.dropbox = [TBDropboxClient sharedInstance];
// passing YES to ConnectionDesired makes it connect instantly
// use NO if you want connect after some onthe services will start or 
// based on application settings like I do in this example
[self.dropbox initiateWithConnectionDesired: self.settings.syncType == AppSyncDropbox
                                usingAppKey: self.dropboxAppKey];
[self.dropbox addDelegate: self];

// you could use some specific settings to make framework log more events
self.dropbox.tasksQueue.batchSize = QM_Dropbox_Queue_Batch_Size;
self.dropbox.watchdog.logger.logLevel = TBLogLevelInfo;
self.dropbox.connection.logger.logLevel = TBLogLevelVerbose;
self.dropbox.logger.logLevel = TBLogLevelInfo;
  1. implement this delegate's methods
#pragma mark - TBDropboxClientDelegate -

#pragma mark TBDropboxClient

- (void)client:(TBDropboxClient *)client
    didReceiveIncomingChanges:(NSArray<TBDropboxChange *> *)changes {    
     // get your sinchronized documents base url
    NSArray * URLs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory: NSDocumentDirectory
                                                            inDomains: NSUserDomainMask];
    NSURL * baseURL = URLs.lastObject;

    for (TBDropboxChange * change in changes) {
        NSURL * itemURL = [change localURLUsingBaseURL: baseURL];
        NSLog(@"%@", change);
        switch (change.action) {
            case TBDropboxChangeActionUpdateFile: {
                [self dropboxSyncChangedDocumentAtURL: itemURL
                                          dropboxPath: change.dropboxPath
                                           completion: ^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
                      if (error != nil) {
                          NSLog(@"Dropbox local state Synchronization Failed %@", error);
                      // update ui
                      //[self handleDidChangeDocumentAtURL: itemURL];  
            }   break;
            case TBDropboxChangeActionDelete: {
                // delete file and update ui
                //[self handleDidRemoveDocumentAtURL: itemURL];
            }   break;
            case TBDropboxChangeActionUpdateFolder: {
                // Do nothing for created folders,
                // will create them when files appears inside
            }   break;
            default: {
                NSLog(@" acquire unsupported action in Dropbox change = %@",
            }   break;

#pragma mark TBDropboxConnectionDelegate

- (void)dropboxConnection:(TBDropboxConnection *)connection
         didChangeStateTo:(TBDropboxConnectionState)state {
    switch (connection.state) {
        case TBDropboxConnectionStateReconnected: {
            [self handleDropboxDidReconnect];
            // available notifications about server changes
            self.dropbox.watchdogEnabled = YES;
        }   break;
        case TBDropboxConnectionStateConnected: {
            [self handleDropboxDidConnect];
            // available notifications about server changes
            self.dropbox.watchdogEnabled = YES;
        }   break;
        case TBDropboxConnectionStatePaused:
        case TBDropboxConnectionStateDisconnected: {
            [self handleDropboxDidDisconnect];
            self.dropbox.watchdogEnabled = NO;
        }   break;
        case TBDropboxConnectionStateAuthorization: {
        }   break;
        case TBDropboxConnectionStateUndefined: {
        }   break;

- (void)dropboxConnection:(TBDropboxConnection *)connection
                withError:(NSError *)error {

3.) To upload/delete/move create a task then add it to the queue

using [self.dropbox.tasksQueue addTask: task];

- (TBDropboxUploadFileTask *)dropboxUploadTaskUsingDocumentURL:(NSURL *)documentURL
                                                       baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
                                                withCompletion:(CDBErrorCompletion)completion {
    TBDropboxFileEntry * entry =
        [TBDropboxEntryFactory fileEntryByMirroringLocalURL: documentURL
                                               usingBaseURL: baseURL];
    TBDropboxUploadFileTask * result =
        [TBDropboxUploadFileTask taskUsingEntry: entry
                                        fileURL: documentURL
                                     completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task,
                                                   NSError * _Nullable error) {
        if (completion != nil) {
    return result;

- (TBDropboxDeleteEntryTask *)dropboxDeleteTaskUsingDocumentURL:(NSURL *)documentURL
                                                        baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
                                                 withCompletion:(CDBErrorCompletion)completion {
    TBDropboxFileEntry * entry =
    [TBDropboxEntryFactory fileEntryByMirroringLocalURL: documentURL
                                           usingBaseURL: baseURL];
    TBDropboxDeleteEntryTask * result =
        [TBDropboxDeleteEntryTask taskUsingEntry: entry
                                      completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task,
                                                    NSError * _Nullable error) {
    return result;

- (TBDropboxMoveEntryTask *)dropboxMoveTaskUsingDocumentURL:(NSURL *)documentURL
                                             destinationURL:(NSURL *)destinationURL
                                                    baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
                                             withCompletion:(CDBErrorCompletion)completion {
    TBDropboxFileEntry * entry =
        [TBDropboxEntryFactory fileEntryByMirroringLocalURL: documentURL
                                               usingBaseURL: baseURL];
    TBDropboxFileEntry * destinationEntry =
        [TBDropboxEntryFactory fileEntryByMirroringLocalURL: destinationURL
                                               usingBaseURL: baseURL];
    TBDropboxMoveEntryTask * result =
        [TBDropboxMoveEntryTask taskUsingEntry: entry
                              destinationEntry: destinationEntry
                                    completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task,
                                                   NSError * _Nullable error) {
    return result;

4.) Sync incoming changes & Download

- (void)dropboxSyncChangedDocumentAtURL:(NSURL *)URL
                            dropboxPath:(NSString *)path
                             completion:(CDBErrorCompletion)completion {
    if (self.dropbox.connection.connected == NO) {
        if (completion != nil){
       	 	NSString * description =
        		[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Failed to proceed with disconnected dropbox\
              		                        \r document URL: %@", URL];
   			    NSError * error = [NSError errorWithDomain: NSStringFromClass([self class])
                                        		      code: 4
                                    		      userInfo: @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description }];
    TBDropboxFileEntry * entry =
        [TBDropboxEntryFactory fileEntryUsingDropboxPath: path];
    TBDropboxTask * downloadTask =
        [TBDropboxDownloadFileTask taskUsingEntry: entry
                                          fileURL: URL
                                       completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task, NSError * _Nullable error) {
        if (error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"FAILED dropboxSyncChangedDocumentAtURL: %@\
                       /r Dropbox path %@", URL, path);
        if (completion != nil) {
    if (downloadTask == nil) {
        NSLog(@"FAILED create task for dropboxSyncChangedDocumentAtURL: %@\
                   \r Dropbox path: %@", URL, path);
    [self.dropbox.tasksQueue addTask: downloadTask];

5.) Cleanup

- (void)cleanupDropboxAppContainerWithCompletion:(CDBErrorCompletion _Nonnull)completion {
    TBDropboxFolderEntry * rootEntry = [TBDropboxEntryFactory folderEntryUsingDropboxPath:nil];
    TBDropboxListFolderTask * cleanupTask =
        [TBDropboxListFolderTask taskUsingEntry: rootEntry
                                     completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task,
                                                   NSError * _Nullable error) {
         NSArray * entries = [(TBDropboxListFolderTask *)task folderEntries];
         if (entries.count == 0) {
             if (completion != nil) {
         __block NSUInteger counter = 0;
         __block NSUInteger count = entries.count;
         __block NSError * deleteError = nil;
         for (id<TBDropboxEntry> deleteEntry in entries) {
             TBDropboxDeleteEntryTask * deleteTask =
                [TBDropboxDeleteEntryTask taskUsingEntry: deleteEntry
                                              completion: ^(TBDropboxTask * _Nonnull task, NSError * _Nullable error) {
                    if (deleteError != nil) {
                        deleteError = error;

                    if (counter == count
                        && completion != nil) {
             [self.dropbox.tasksQueue addTask: deleteTask];
    if (cleanupTask == nil
        && completion != nil) {
        NSDictionary * info = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Clean up root folder task failed"};
        NSError * error = 
        	[NSError errorWithDomain: NSStringFromClass([self class])
                                code: 1
                            userInfo: info];
    [self.dropbox.tasksQueue addTask: cleanupTask];

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



TBDropboxKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "TBDropboxKit"


truebucha, Kanstantsin Bucha truebucha@gmail.com


TBDropboxKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.