
Main RESTful API for ascribe ownership web service.


ascribe REST API

  Title: ascribe REST API
  Description: Main RESTful API for ascribe ownership web service. https://www.ascribe.io
  First public release: 2015-04-26
  Current public release: 2015-07-01, version 0.1

Table of Contents

API Documentation


Integration has these actions:

  1. Register your app/marketplace and request an access token. This is a one time action.
  2. Register a piece.
  3. Check the status of a piece.

Authorization Flow

Let's call the marketplace Makx.

As authentication is used to connect and transfer data between Makx and ascribe, we use an encrypted connection (HTTPS).

Ascribe authorizes applications via tokens. Each token is an alphanumeric that encodes the following information:

  • The ID of the application that was granted access.
  • The ID of the user who granted access to personal data.
  • A set of actions available to the application.

Authorization Flow PNG

Register your Application or Marketplace

The developer (e.g. admin@makx.com) should have an ascribe account, login and go to settings>API settings to register the application or marketplace with following fields:

  • Name: name of the marketplace

The user can then create a token of type 'Bearer'.


SPOOL is the Secure Public Online Ownership Ledger. An in-depth specification of the protocol can be found on https://github.com/ascribe/spool


Create a piece

When creating a piece with our API, the piece is automatically registered on the blockchain. For marketplaces that act as a middle-man for registering pieces on ascribe.io, it is possible to register the piece as a consignee (someone that has the right to sell the piece on the owner's behalf).

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
file_url <url> The url of the digital file
title <string> The title of the artwork
artist_name <string> The artist name
date_created (optional) <YYYY-MM-DD> The creation date
num_editions (optional) <int> The number of editions (will create as many pieces)
consign (optional) <boolean> Set to True if the marketplace acts as a consignee

If you don't specify num_editions there will be no editions associated with the piece. You can specify the number of editions for the piece later (see Create number of editions)

Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
     -d file_url=https://ascribe0.s3.amazonaws.com/local/admin@makx.com/elmo/digitalworkfile/elmo.jpg 
     -d title='New Piece' 
     -d artist_name='New Artist'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully registered \"New Piece\" by New Artist, 1 editions.",
  "success": true,
  "edition": {
    "id": 8542,
    "title": "New Piece",
    "artist_name": "New Artist",
    "num_editions": 1,
    "user_registered": "foo2",
    "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T13:40:28.635Z",
    "date_created": "2015-01-01",
    "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/local/foo2/ascribe_animated_medium/thumbnail/ascribe_animated_medium.gif.png",
    "license_type": {
      "name": "Attribution without restriction",
      "code": "default",
      "organization": "ascribe",
      "url": "https://www.ascribe.io/faq/#legals"
    "edition_number": 0,
    "bitcoin_id": "13Ftd8yNMJPwRA9EaYpctd2TSjKgi9duoz",
    "acl": [
    "request_action": null,
    "parent": 8532

List all pieces

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>&search=<query>&ordering=<order>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
search (optional) <string> Search fields are title, artist_name
ordering (optional) <string> Ordering fields are title (reverse order with -title), artist_name, datetime_created, edition_number.
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
     -d page_size=10 
     -d page=1 
     -d search=Elm
     -d ordering=-edition_number
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 3,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "pieces": [
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 5,
      "user_registered": "foo2",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T13:33:38.390154Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png",
      "license_type": {
        "name": "Attribution without restriction",
        "code": "default",
        "organization": "ascribe",
        "url": "https://www.ascribe.io/faq/#legals"

Retrieve a piece

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <integer> The id of the piece
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/8530/
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "piece": {
    "id": 8530,
    "title": "art1",
    "artist_name": "art1",
    "num_editions": 5,
    "user_registered": "foo2",
    "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T13:33:38.390154Z",
    "date_created": "2015-01-01",
    "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png",
    "license_type": {
      "name": "Attribution without restriction",
      "code": "default",
      "organization": "ascribe",
      "url": "https://www.ascribe.io/faq/#legals"
    "extra_data": {},
    "digital_work": {
      "id": 1890,
      "url": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/local/foo2/images-5/digitalwork/images-5.jpeg",
      "url_safe": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/local%2Ffoo2%2Fimages-5%2Fdigitalwork%2Fimages-5.jpeg",
      "mime": "image",
      "hash": "39971523c58d1d605b6b3f0e96803c25",
      "encoding_urls": null,
      "isEncoding": 0
    "other_data": null
  "success": true

Retrieve all editions of a piece

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/<id>/editions/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <integer> The id of the piece
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/pieces/8553/editions/
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 50,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "editions": [
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png",
      "edition_number": 0,
      "bitcoin_id": "1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
      "acl": [
      "request_action": null,
      "parent": 8530


Create number of editions

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
piece_id <int> The id of the piece
num_editions <int> Number of editions for the piece
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
     -d piece_id=1071 
     -d num_editions=10 
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "notification": "You successfully registered 10 editions for piece with ID 1ADJ5fYt1Hq4acL3e7gVr7st6SD8rZq51d."

List all editions

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl -G https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
     -d page_size=10 
     -d page=1 
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 62,
  "next": "https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/?page=2&page_size=1",
  "previous": null,
  "editions": [
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png",
      "edition_number": 0,
      "bitcoin_id": "1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
      "acl": [
      "request_action": null,
      "parent": 8530

Retrieve an edition

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/<bitcoin_id>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The bitcoin id of the edition
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/1N1kaRd7A3vYR4d1sfysPHQMMURoHCtmWY/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "edition": {
    "id": 8531,
    "title": "art1",
    "artist_name": "art1",
    "num_editions": 50,
    "user_registered": "foo",
    "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037Z",
    "date_created": "2015-01-01",
    "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png",
    "edition_number": 1,
    "bitcoin_id": "1N1kaRd7A3vYR4d1sfysPHQMMURoHCtmWY",
    "acl": [
    "request_action": null,
    "parent": 8530,
    "extra_data": {},
    "digital_work": {
      "id": 1890,
      "url": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/local/foo/images-18/digitalwork/images-18.jpeg",
      "url_safe": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/local%2Ffoo%2Fimages-18%2Fdigitalwork%2Fimages-18.jpeg",
      "mime": "image",
      "hash": "39971523c58d1d605b6b3f0e96803c25",
      "encoding_urls": null,
      "isEncoding": 0
    "other_data": null,
    "hash_as_address": "14Ab6qQcg2CaCE8RBrJtSFqEjsiremApXC",
    "owner": "foo",
    "btc_owner_address_noprefix": "1N1kaRd7A3vYR4d1sfysPHQMMURoHCtmWY",
    "ownership_history": [
        "Jul. 01, 2015, 09:48:51",
        "Registered by foo"
    "consign_history": [],
    "loan_history": [],
    "coa": null,
    "status": [],
    "pending_new_owner": null,
    "consignee": null,
    "note_from_user": null,
    "public_note": null,
    "license_type": {
      "name": "Attribution without restriction",
      "code": "default",
      "organization": "ascribe",
      "url": "https://www.ascribe.io/faq/#legals"
  "success": true

Delete an edition

HTTP Request

DELETE https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/<bitcoin_id>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The bitcoin id of the edition
Example Request
curl -X DELETE https://www.ascribe.io/api/editions/1N1kaRd7A3vYR4d1sfysPHQMMURoHCtmWY/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully deleted 1 editions.",
  "success": true


Register a piece

A piece is registered in the blockchain upon creation. When the number of editions is specified, each edition is only registered in the blockchain right before any ownership action (transfer, consign, loan, ...) has been performed.

List the registrations

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/registrations/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/registrations/?page=1&page_size=10 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 4,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "registrations": [
      "id": 5443,
      "piece": {
        "id": 8530,
        "title": "art1",
        "artist_name": "art1",
        "num_editions": 50,
        "user_registered": "foo",
        "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
        "date_created": "2015-01-01",
        "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
      "type": "OwnershipRegistration",
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.497008Z",
      "btc_tx": {
        "datetime": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.587300Z",
        "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fb776c20cd0>",
        "from_address": "12udvE3zmbQLhtSGZUqqAvGWSKDUCpbgoq",
        "inputs": "[{'output': 'c63b6cfcda31371d94e28a734dcc0acbcd30047c03c23340601d806851d711f6:3', 'value': 28200}]",
        "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1HCnLDnbHvgddPKGkkYXaQtLZzbc23P3cE'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4'}]",
        "mining_fee": 10000,
        "tx": "ea382a621f0f91a1a2291b3a8382d56ad049938dac9a2d3da73253d03be4f536",
        "block_height": null,
        "status": 2,
        "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01REGISTER0"
      "new_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "prev_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "new_btc_address": null,
      "prev_btc_address": "12udvE3zmbQLhtSGZUqqAvGWSKDUCpbgoq",
      "status": null

Retrieve a registration

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/registrations/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <int> The ID of the registration
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/registrations/4424/
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "registration": {
    "id": 5443,
    "piece": {
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
    "type": "OwnershipRegistration",
    "datetime": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.497008Z",
    "btc_tx": {
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.587300Z",
      "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fb776b9a090>",
      "from_address": "12udvE3zmbQLhtSGZUqqAvGWSKDUCpbgoq",
      "inputs": "[{'output': 'c63b6cfcda31371d94e28a734dcc0acbcd30047c03c23340601d806851d711f6:3', 'value': 28200}]",
      "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1HCnLDnbHvgddPKGkkYXaQtLZzbc23P3cE'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4'}]",
      "mining_fee": 10000,
      "tx": "ea382a621f0f91a1a2291b3a8382d56ad049938dac9a2d3da73253d03be4f536",
      "block_height": null,
      "status": 2,
      "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01REGISTER0"
    "new_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "prev_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "new_btc_address": null,
    "prev_btc_address": "12udvE3zmbQLhtSGZUqqAvGWSKDUCpbgoq",
    "status": null


Transfer an edition

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
transferee <email> The email of the new owner
password <string> Your ascribe password
transfer_message (optional) <string> Additional message
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W 
    -d transferee=foo@mailinator.com 
    -d password=mypassword 
    -d transfer_message='I would like to transfer this piece to you'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully transfered 1 edition(s) to foo2@mailinator.com.",
  "success": true

An error will occur when trying to transfer a piece that's not yours:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["You don't have the appropriate rights to transfer this piece"]},
  "success": false

List the transfers

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/?page=1&page_size=10 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "transfers": [
      "id": 5450,
      "piece": {
        "id": 8530,
        "title": "art1",
        "artist_name": "art1",
        "num_editions": 50,
        "user_registered": "foo",
        "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
        "date_created": "2015-01-01",
        "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
      "type": "OwnershipTransfer",
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:41:45.492059Z",
      "btc_tx": {
        "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:41:45.414098Z",
        "service": "BitcoinDaemonMainnet",
        "from_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/51/51076:1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
        "inputs": null,
        "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1Mm6TXr8os2orjygmpbU9XTLKCBj1ZTwXj'}]",
        "mining_fee": null,
        "tx": null,
        "block_height": null,
        "status": 0,
        "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01TRANSFER1"
      "new_owner": {
        "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo2",
        "id": 1350,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "prev_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/11/41/45/23019:1Mm6TXr8os2orjygmpbU9XTLKCBj1ZTwXj",
      "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/51/51076:1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
      "status": 1

Retrieve a transfer

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <int> The ID of the transfer
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/transfers/4431/
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD'
Example Response
  "transfer": {
    "id": 5450,
    "piece": {
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
    "type": "OwnershipTransfer",
    "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:41:45.492059Z",
    "btc_tx": {
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:41:45.414098Z",
      "service": "BitcoinDaemonMainnetService",
      "from_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/51/51076:1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
      "inputs": null,
      "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1Mm6TXr8os2orjygmpbU9XTLKCBj1ZTwXj'}]",
      "mining_fee": null,
      "tx": null,
      "block_height": null,
      "status": 0,
      "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01TRANSFER1"
    "new_owner": {
      "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo2",
      "id": 1350,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "prev_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/11/41/45/23019:1Mm6TXr8os2orjygmpbU9XTLKCBj1ZTwXj",
    "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/51/51076:1CAiGhr6dSmrABAJud47PaUtZ8qvn88Tc4",
    "status": 1
  "success": true


When consigning a piece, you assign the right to the consignee to sell the piece on your behalve Hereto, one needs to send a request for consignment to the consignee. Once accepted by the consignee, the consignment will change state and is recorded on the blockchain.

Consign an edition

Send a request for consignment to the consignee.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
consignee <email> The email of the consignee
password <string> Your ascribe password
consign_message (optional) <string> Additional message
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W 
    -d consignee=foo@mailinator.com 
    -d password=mypassword 
    -d consign_message='I consign this edition to you'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully consigned 1 edition(s), pending their confirmation(s).",
  "success": true

An error will occur when trying to consign a piece that's not yours:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["You don't have the appropriate rights to consign this piece"]},
  "success": false

Confirm/deny a consignment

When someone consigns an edition to you, you receive a request for consignment to the consignee. You can confirm or deny the consignment.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/confirm/

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/deny/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
Example Confirm Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/confirm/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W
Example Confirm Response
  "notification": "You have succesfully confirmed consignment  of art1 by art1, edition 3.",
  "success": true

Or upon an error:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["This piece is not pending for actions"]},
  "success": false
Example Deny Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/deny/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W
Example Deny Response
  "notification": "You have denied consignment  of art1 by art1, edition 4.",
  "success": true

List the consignments

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/?page=1&page_size=10 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "consignments": [
      "id": 5451,
      "piece": {
        "id": 8530,
        "title": "art1",
        "artist_name": "art1",
        "num_editions": 50,
        "user_registered": "foo",
        "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
        "date_created": "2015-01-01",
        "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
      "type": "Consignment",
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:58:54.867789Z",
      "btc_tx": {
        "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:03:40.882600Z",
        "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fcdca46c210>",
        "from_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
        "inputs": "[{'output': '8abbf6e2420d887e861ab83c7d213b509ebfbb4d0d44e0932040b9a06c6fa798:0', 'value': 11200}]",
        "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8'}]",
        "mining_fee": 10000,
        "tx": "36d7fd724a2d8a3d4be99255edf44ab80264dfb63bcab9b5086706b11bd19e3a",
        "block_height": null,
        "status": 2,
        "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01CONSIGN3"
      "new_owner": {
        "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo2",
        "id": 1350,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "prev_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
      "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
      "status": 1

Retrieve a consignment

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <int> The ID of the consignment
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/consigns/<id>/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "consignment": {
    "id": 5451,
    "piece": {
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
    "type": "Consignment",
    "datetime": "2015-07-01T11:58:54.867789Z",
    "btc_tx": {
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:03:40.882600Z",
      "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fcdca470510>",
      "from_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
      "inputs": "[{'output': '8abbf6e2420d887e861ab83c7d213b509ebfbb4d0d44e0932040b9a06c6fa798:0', 'value': 11200}]",
      "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8'}]",
      "mining_fee": 10000,
      "tx": "36d7fd724a2d8a3d4be99255edf44ab80264dfb63bcab9b5086706b11bd19e3a",
      "block_height": null,
      "status": 2,
      "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01CONSIGN3"
    "new_owner": {
      "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo2",
      "id": 1350,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "prev_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
    "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
    "status": 1
  "success": true


When the consignee or owner decide that there is no more need to manage the sales of the edition. The consignee can unconsign immediately, the owner needs to request the consignee for an unconsignment.

Unconsign a piece (or confirm an unconsignment request)

Action to be taken by the consignee. He will no longer manage the sales of the edition.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
password <string> Your ascribe password
unconsign_message (optional) <string> Additional message
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W 
    -d password=mypassword 
    -d unconsign_message='I unconsign this piece from you. This is, I no longer manage the sales of your piece'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully unconsigned 1 edition(s).",
  "success": true

An error will occur when trying to consign a piece that's not yours:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["You don't have the appropriate rights to unconsign this piece"]},
  "success": false

Request an unconsignment

Action to be taken by the owner. He requests the consignee to no longer manage the sales of the edition. The consignee needs to confirm or deny the unconsignment.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/request/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
unconsign_request_message (optional) <string> Additional message
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/request/
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W 
    -d unconsign_request_message='I unconsign this piece from you. This is, you no longer manage the sales of my piece'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have requested foo2@mailinator.com to unconsign \"art1\".",
  "success": true

An error will occur when trying to consign a piece that's not yours:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["This piece is not consigned"]},
  "success": false

Deny a unconsignment

Action taken by the consignee when the owner requests to unconsign the edition. You can confirm or deny the unconsignment. The confirmation is treated above.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/deny/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/deny/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W
Example Response
  "notification": "You have denied unconsignment of art1 by art1, edition 5.",
  "success": true

List the unconsignments

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/?page=1&page_size=10 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "unconsignments": [
      "id": 5454,
      "piece": {
        "id": 8530,
        "title": "art1",
        "artist_name": "art1",
        "num_editions": 50,
        "user_registered": "foo",
        "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
        "date_created": "2015-01-01",
        "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
      "type": "UnConsignment",
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:16:13.264491Z",
      "btc_tx": {
        "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:16:13.181577Z",
        "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fcba6267650>",
        "from_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
        "inputs": "[{'output': '85aa8cc86182869d77fb51546128a91cd3991a77bb6a4cc837fc659a1508b7a5:0', 'value': 11200}]",
        "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k'}]",
        "mining_fee": 10000,
        "tx": "3f4fd20e80be4229a9ba2a418d9ca7783865a5665c15650444003368cf232b34",
        "block_height": null,
        "status": 1,
        "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01UNCONSIGN3"
      "new_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "prev_owner": {
        "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo2",
        "id": 1350,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
      "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
      "status": 1

Retrieve an unconsignment

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <int> The ID of the unconsignment
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/unconsigns/5454/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "unconsignment": {
    "id": 5454,
    "piece": {
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
    "type": "UnConsignment",
    "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:16:13.264491Z",
    "btc_tx": {
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:16:13.181577Z",
      "service": "<bitcoin.bitcoin_service.BitcoinDaemonMainnetService object at 0x7fcba623c210>",
      "from_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
      "inputs": "[{'output': '85aa8cc86182869d77fb51546128a91cd3991a77bb6a4cc837fc659a1508b7a5:0', 'value': 11200}]",
      "outputs": "[{'value': 600, 'address': u'1NHXUfW1MfKsU83yGY52xrTDVux8UwMXio'}, {'value': 600, 'address': u'1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k'}]",
      "mining_fee": 10000,
      "tx": "3f4fd20e80be4229a9ba2a418d9ca7783865a5665c15650444003368cf232b34",
      "block_height": null,
      "status": 1,
      "spoolverb": "ASCRIBESPOOL01UNCONSIGN3"
    "new_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "prev_owner": {
      "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo2",
      "id": 1350,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "new_btc_address": "2015/7/1/9/48/52/311730:1BKtJSfHSdo4tQq7QyikdruYrqHKYk6X6k",
    "prev_btc_address": "2015/7/1/12/3/40/504996:1AuHk3o3DBdcKSLbNKPoyM1CU6bwwCCNP8",
    "status": 1
  "success": true


When loaning an edition, you assign the right to the consignee to display the edition in public for a limited period of time. Once accepted by the loanee, the loan will change state and is recorded on the blockchain.

Loan a piece

Action taken by the owner. Send a request to the loanee to accept the loan.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/editions/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
loanee <email> The email of the loanee
password <string> Your ascribe password
startdate <YYYY-MM-DD> The start date of the loan
enddate <YYYY-MM-DD> The end date of the loan
loan_message (optional) <string> Additional message
gallery_name (optional) <string> Name of the gallery where the piece will be displayed
Example Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=157od1WGsmh7ctYXEstTbsA7pzx6BoWU9W 
    -d loanee=foo@mailinator.com 
    -d password=mypassword 
    -d startdate=2015-05-29
    -d enddate=2015-06-01
    -d loan_message='I loan this piece to you'
Example Response
  "notification": "You have successfully loaned 1 edition(s) to foo2@mailinator.com, pending their confirmation.",
  "success": true

An error will occur when trying to loan a piece to someone that is already loans the piece:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["The loanee already has access to the piece"]},
  "success": false

Confirm/deny a loan

When someone loans a piece to you, you receive a loan request. You can confirm or deny the loan.

HTTP Request

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/confirm/

POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/deny/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
bitcoin_id <string> The ID as the registration address of the edition
Example Confirm Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/confirm/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=1JbdWghbB21CtQazxNu4LqNFJnw2uB7Fe4
Example Confirm Response
  "notification": "You have succesfully confirmed the loan  of art1 by art1, edition 8.",
  "success": true

Or upon an error:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["Loan not found"]},
  "success": false
Example Deny Request
curl -X POST https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/deny/ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
    -d bitcoin_id=1JbdWghbB21CtQazxNu4LqNFJnw2uB7Fe4
Example Deny Response
  "notification": "You have denied the loan  of art1 by art1, edition 10.",
  "success": true

Or upon an error:

  "errors": {"bitcoin_id": ["Loan not found"]},
  "success": false

List the loans

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/?page=<number>&page_size=<number>

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
page (optional) <int> The pagination number
page_size (optional) <int> Number of results per page
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/?page=1&page_size=10 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "success": true,
  "count": 2,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "loans": [
      "id": 5461,
      "piece": {
        "id": 8530,
        "title": "art1",
        "artist_name": "art1",
        "num_editions": 50,
        "user_registered": "foo",
        "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
        "date_created": "2015-01-01",
        "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
      "type": "Loan",
      "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:44:43.398400Z",
      "btc_tx": null,
      "new_owner": {
        "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo2",
        "id": 1350,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "prev_owner": {
        "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
        "username": "foo",
        "id": 1349,
        "prize_role": {
          "type": "",
          "prize": {"name": ""},
          "round": null,
          "canVote": false,
          "canSubmit": false
      "new_btc_address": null,
      "prev_btc_address": null,
      "status": null

Retrieve a loan

HTTP Request

GET https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/<id>/

HTTP Headers

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Parameter Description
id <int> The ID of the loan
Example Request
curl https://www.ascribe.io/api/ownership/loans/5461/ 
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer 2GJT0yFOnHYKtp9sgNak4GURL9jpKD' 
Example Response
  "loan": {
    "id": 5461,
    "piece": {
      "id": 8530,
      "title": "art1",
      "artist_name": "art1",
      "num_editions": 50,
      "user_registered": "foo",
      "datetime_registered": "2015-07-01T09:48:51.037053Z",
      "date_created": "2015-01-01",
      "thumbnail": "https://d1qjsxua1o9x03.cloudfront.net/media/thumbnails/ascribe_spiral.png"
    "type": "Loan",
    "datetime": "2015-07-01T12:44:43.398400Z",
    "btc_tx": null,
    "new_owner": {
      "email": "foo2@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo2",
      "id": 1350,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "prev_owner": {
      "email": "foo@mailinator.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "id": 1349,
      "prize_role": {
        "type": "",
        "prize": {"name": ""},
        "round": null,
        "canVote": false,
        "canSubmit": false
    "new_btc_address": null,
    "prev_btc_address": null,
    "status": null
  "success": true

Similarity Search API


Match images from the web against images in the photos marketplace. Try it in the browser at labs.ascribe.io/similarity/photos.


0.1 Beta


Features on the roadmap:

  • Rotation
  • Mirroring
  • Inversion is implemented but not yet turned on
  • Cropping resilience will be improved


The dist field indicates how closely matched the images are. A perfect match has a dist value of 0.0.

HTTP Request

GET https://labs.ascribe.io/similarity/photos/api/search/?image_url=<url>

Parameter Description
image_url <string> The url of the image. Should be encoded.
Example Request
curl https://labs.ascribe.io/similarity/photos/api/search/
    -d image_url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn...com%2Fthumb%2F640%2F480%2....jpg
Example Response

Status code 200 and an array of {dist, path, id} image descriptions. In case of error, the returned JSON will contain the key error

    "result": [
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img1.jpg",
            "dist": 0,
            "id": 12
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img2.jpg",
            "dist": 0.43739087511375,
            "id": 528492
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img3.jpg",
            "dist": 0.4438784282276083,
            "id": 27482264
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img4.jpg",
            "dist": 0.4500463733919593,
            "id": 27550153
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img5.jpg",
            "dist": 0.46666245188890754,
            "id": 22654175
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img6.jpg",
            "dist": 0.4687795429136797,
            "id": 30254571
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img7.jpg",
            "dist": 0.4719155672668924,
            "id": 24884288
            "path": "http://www.photos.com/img8.jpg",
            "dist": 0.4821427959813869,
            "id": 14152888

If an error occurs, the JSON will contain the key error.

    "error": "Timeout downloading the image"


This API & documentation was developed by ascribe GmbH as part of the overall ascribe technology stack. https://www.ascribe.io


This API & documentation is © 2015 ascribe GmbH.

This API & documentation is available for use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.