
A ligthweight git commit prompt system to ensure readable and descriptive commit for Deno 🌱🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


deno module deno compatibility license


A ligthweight git commit prompt system to ensure readable and descriptive commit for Deno 🌱🚀.


deno install -A -r https://deno.land/x/cocli/cli.ts -n cocli

Quick Start

deno run -A https://deno.land/x/cocli/cli.ts

Commit Type

List of type available:

  • Feat - For new features (e.g., feat: implement --cache-to feature to export cache)
  • Fix - For improvements and bugfixes that do not introduce a feature (e.g., fix: improve error message)
  • Hotfix - For improvements and bugfixes that do not introduce a feature, directly in prodution mode (e.g., fix: improve success message)
  • Chore - General things that should be excluded (e.g., chore: clean up X)
  • Design - For design changes only (e.g., design: use rounded button)
  • Experiment - General things that should be in experiment (e.g., experiment: implement new query system in X)
  • Docs - For documentation changes only (e.g., docs: fix typo in X)
  • Refact - General things that should be restructured but not changing the orginal functionality (e.g., refact: move X to new file utils)
  • CI - For internal CI specific changes (e.g., ci: enable X for tests)
  • Infra - For infrastructure changes (e.g., infra: Enable cloudfront for X)
  • Test - For changes to tests only (e.g., test: check if X does Y)