A Community project for developers, entreprenuers, hustlers. Hackersome is the umbrella project name, and includes the following portals
Create a profiles.clj file in the root folder of the project with the following settings
{:dev {:env {
;;twitter settings
:app-consumer-key ""
:app-consumer-secret ""
:user-access-token ""
:user-access-token-secret ""
;;github settings
:client-id ""
:client-secret ""
Start a REPL (in a terminal: lein repl
, or from Emacs: open a
clj/cljs file in the project, then do M-x cider-jack-in
. Make sure
CIDER is up to date).
In the REPL do
(def sys (startup {}))
Which will return the system map. It's based on Stuart Sierra's amazing Component lib.
In order to access db session component do a
(:connection (:db sys))
The call to (startup {})
does two things, it starts the webserver at port
10554, . Give them some time to start.
Install docker via the lxc-docker package in Ubuntu.
If you're in MacOS use the Boot2Docker image. Don't forget to install fig
as well. If you have python & pip already you may install via pip install fig
Modify the /etc/default/docker
and add/enable the following lines
DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
and check if the docker service is running via
service docker status
A sample clojure docker container could be used to play around, get used to.
docker pull clojure
docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash <imageID>
Using the following Spotify Cassandra Container
Runs a command inside the given container ID. since image runs with cassandra -f option, you wont get any interaction
docker pull spotify/cassandra
docker run spotify/cassandra -d --ip=
# fetch the IP of the image
docker inspect <image_id>
# modify your /etc/hosts file to add the cassandra host
docker exec -it <container_id> cqlsh < schema.cql
Using Ches/Kafka as the base image. It's very simple to setup and use. Kafka requires ZooKeeper to keep track of it's client markers, nodes, etc..
docker run -d --name zookeeper jplock/zookeeper:3.4.6
docker run -d --name kafka --link zookeeper:zookeeper ches/kafka -p 9092:9092
docker run -d --name kafka --publish 9092:9092 --publish 7203:7203 --link zookeeper:zookeeper ches/kafka
ZK_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' zookeeper)
KAFKA_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' kafka)
# learn the image ID.
# "q" switch for quiet(returns only ID). "f" for filtering
KAFKA_CONT_ID=$(docker ps -fq name=kafka)
docker exec -it $KAFKA_CONT_ID kafka-topics.sh --create --topic test --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper $ZK_IP:2181
docker exec -it $KAFKA_CONT_ID kafka-console-producer.sh --topic test --broker-list $KAFKA_IP:9092
a more complex kafka installation could be done via the following docker image https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/wurstmeister/kafka/
Copyright © 2014 Bahadir Cambel
Distributed under the MIT License.
docker run -d --hostname localhost --name kafka --volume ./data:/data --volume ./logs:/logs --publish 9092:9092 --publish 7203:7203 --env EXPOSED_HOST= --env ZOOKEEPER_IP= ches/kafka