An addon for removing mesh self intersections and making offset surfaces
import bpy import bmesh import numpy as np import time
current = time.time() print('----------------start---------------') #Properties for ui bpy.types.Object.use_active_shape_key = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use Active Shape Key", description="Generate Surface From Acitve Shape Key", default = True) bpy.types.Object.apply_object_modifiers = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Apply Modifiers", description="Generate Surface Applied Modifers", default = False) bpy.types.Scene.respect_boundary_edges = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Respect Boundaries", description="Smooth Boundary Verts Only With Other Boundary Verts ", default = True) bpy.types.Scene.use_selection_only = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Use Selection Only", description="Work Only With Selected Vertices", default = False) bpy.types.Scene.smooth_precision = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Smooth Precision", description="For extrapolating the smoothing of collision areas", default=0.4, min=-0.9, max=0.99, soft_min=0.9, soft_max=0.99, precision=2, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', unit='NONE', update=None, get=None, set=None) bpy.types.Scene.auto_smooth_precision = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Auto Smooth Precision", description="Adjust the smoothing factor based on number of collisions", default = True) bpy.types.Scene.offset_substeps = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Surface Offset Substeps", description="Divide the offsetting into small steps checking for collisions each time", default=1) bpy.types.Scene.offset_magnitude = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Offset Magnitude", description="Amount in blender units to offset surface", default=0.0) bpy.types.Scene.use_offset_surface = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Offset Surface", description="Use or do not use offset", default = False) bpy.types.Scene.smooth_self_collisions = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Smooth Self Collisions", description="Detect and smooth self collisions", default = False)
start = True collection = 0 check_edges = set() iterations = 0 obm = None mode = None edges = set() collection_max = 0
def create_bmesh(obj):
"""For generating the bmesh with some options"""
sce = bpy.context.scene
if obj != None:
if obj.type == 'MESH':
bm = bmesh.new()
if bpy.context.object.mode == 'OBJECT':
if obj.apply_object_modifiers:
bm.from_object(obj, bpy.context.scene, apply_modifiers=True)
elif obj.use_active_shape_key:
bm.from_mesh(obj.data, use_shape_key=True, shape_key_index=obj.active_shape_key_index)
bm.from_mesh(obj.data, use_shape_key=False)
elif bpy.context.object.mode == 'EDIT':
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
print("No active mesh")
return bm
def select_link(obj_bmesh,vert): """Select more per vertex(not used)""" for ed in vert.link_edges: ed.select = True obj_bmesh.select_flush(True)
def mean_smooth(bmesh, vert): """Basic smoothing. Equivalent to extrapolate smooth with a factor of zero""" mean = np.mean(np.array([ed.other_vert(vert).co for ed in vert.link_edges]),0) vert.co = mean
def intersect_select(obj,bmesh_obj): """Check whole mesh for collisions if start is true, Check selection group next time, Selection group grows if collisions do not improve""" global start, collection, check_edges, edges
# If the selection group is empty add all the edge indices to the collection
if len(edges) == 0:
for ed in bmesh_obj.edges:
# Use the copy to avoid overwrite while iterating
check_edges = edges.copy()
# Once we have the copy, clear the set if it's the first time around
if len(edges) == len(bmesh_obj.edges):
# Initalize the collection. The collection gets +1 for every edge collision
collection = 0
# Ensure the bmesh is up to date (This can probably be deleted to improve speed)
# This is where the collision detection starts
ray_cast = obj.ray_cast
# For setting the error margin of the raycast
EPS_NORMAL = 0.0001
EPS_CENTER = 0.01 # should always be bigger
current = time.time()
for ed in check_edges:
v1, v2 = bmesh_obj.edges[ed].verts
# setup the edge with an offset
co_1 = v1.co.copy()
co_2 = v2.co.copy()
co_mid = (co_1 + co_2) * 0.5
no_mid = (v1.normal + v2.normal).normalized() * EPS_NORMAL
co_1 = co_1.lerp(co_mid, EPS_CENTER) + no_mid
co_2 = co_2.lerp(co_mid, EPS_CENTER) + no_mid
co, no, index = ray_cast(co_1, co_2)
# Select the collision edges
if index != -1:
bmesh_obj.edges[ed].select = True
collection +=1
start = False
def extrapolate_smooth(bmesh, vert, value): """Use link_edges to determine a mean area for each vertex Extrapolate a position based on the direction it moves towards the mean Can be used to smooth more quickly or more slowly with a tradeoff in accuracy"""
# When using boundary, the smoothing of boundary verts only considers other boundary verts
if bpy.context.scene.respect_boundary_edges:
outer = [b for b in vert.link_edges if b.is_boundary]
if len(outer)>0:
mean = np.mean(np.array([ed.other_vert(vert).co for ed in outer]),0)
extrapolate = (np.array(vert.co) - mean)*value
vert.co = mean - extrapolate
mean = np.mean(np.array([ed.other_vert(vert).co for ed in vert.link_edges]),0)
extrapolate = (np.array(vert.co) - mean)*value
vert.co = mean - extrapolate
mean = np.mean(np.array([ed.other_vert(vert).co for ed in vert.link_edges]),0)
extrapolate = (np.array(vert.co) - mean)*value
vert.co = mean - extrapolate
def deselect_all_bmesh(obj_bmesh): """This deselects all and possibly causes corruption of the space time continuum""" for v in obj_bmesh.verts: v.select = False obj_bmesh.select_flush(False)
def select_less(obj_bmesh):
"""Use other_vert() to decrease selection area. Deselect boundary edges also"""
for ed in obj_bmesh.edges:
if ed.is_boundary:
ed.select = False
if not ed.select:
for v in ed.verts:
if not v.select:
ed.other_vert(v).select = False
def select_extra_bmesh(obj_bmesh): """Increase selection area using link edges""" for v in obj_bmesh.verts: if v.select: for ed in v.link_edges: ed.select = True obj_bmesh.select_flush(True)
def offset_surface(b_mesh,starting_normals,even_thickness,blend_shell,steps,factor): """Move vertices along their normals Option to blend normal with adjacent normals Option to use shell_factor: equivalent to "even thickness" with solidify modifier Option to use the starting normals every substep or recalculate each substep """
if blend_shell:
starting_normals = []
for vert in b_mesh.verts:
starting_normals.append(np.mean(np.array([ed.other_vert(vert).normal for ed in vert.link_edges]),0))
if even_thickness:
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = np.array(v.co) + (starting_normals[v.index] * v.calc_shell_factor()) * factor
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = np.array(v.co) + starting_normals[v.index] * factor
if even_thickness:
if starting_normals:
starting_normals = [n.normal for n in b_mesh.verts]
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = v.co + (starting_normals[v.index] * v.calc_shell_factor()) * factor
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = v.co + (v.normal * v.calc_shell_factor()) * factor
if starting_normals:
starting_normals = [n.normal for n in b_mesh.verts]
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = v.co + starting_normals[v.index] * factor
for x in range(steps):
for v in b_mesh.verts:
v.co = v.co + v.normal * factor
def run_recursive(iters):
"""This is where we manage all the functions"""
global start, collection, iterations, obm, mode, collection_max, edges
if bpy.context.object != None:
if bpy.context.object.type == 'MESH':
if mode != 'EDIT':
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
obm = create_bmesh(bpy.context.object)
magnitude = bpy.context.scene.offset_magnitude
if bpy.context.scene.use_offset_surface:
start = True
me = bpy.data.meshes.new('proxy_data')
proxy = bpy.data.objects.new('proxy737del', me)
if bpy.context.scene.smooth_self_collisions:
"""The loop here keeps running as long as the number of collision edges found is more than zero"""
while start == True or collection>0:
if collection > collection_max:
collection_max = collection
print(collection, 'collisions remaining')
last_time = collection
if collection >= last_time:
iterations += 1
elif collection < last_time:
iterations = 0
if iterations > 0:
for x in range(iterations):
if bpy.context.scene.auto_smooth_precision:
if collection_max == 0:
factor = 0.3
factor = collection *(0.4/collection_max)
factor = bpy.context.scene.smooth_precision
for iter in range(2):
for v in obm.verts:
if v.select:
extrapolate_smooth(obm, v, factor)
for eddy in obm.edges:
if eddy.select:
for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
ob.select = ob.type == 'MESH' and ob.name.startswith("proxy737del")
def offset_surface_function():
"""This enables collision smoothing to run each substep of the surface offset"""
mode = bpy.context.object.mode
iters = bpy.context.scene.offset_substeps
for x in range(iters):
Test call:
print('total time: ',time.time()-current)
"""With default bmesh setting, it's effective to run this whith an active shape key This allows you to quickly compare the original mesh to the offset mesh by turning the key on and off"""