
uport - did management

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Developer SDK for Uport:


Onboarding new users from Dapp on to Uport:

  • Connect Users to Your web3 dApp

  • Add full support for uPort by adding a single line of code to your web3 dApp.

    1. Onboard new users within minutes
    2. Instantly create a privacy-preserving Ethereum account
    3. Build for both desktop and mobile browsers

Issue & Request Verified Credentials

  • Help your users build their digital identity by issuing Verified Credentials about them or the things they do in your app.

    1. Request Ethereum transaction signing with web3
    2. Issue and Request Verified Credentials about your users



Creating an Ethr-DID is analogous to creating an Ethereum account, which is an address on the Ethereum blockchain controlled by a key pair. Your Ethr-DID will be your key pair.

We provide a convenient method to easily create one


which returns an object containing an Ethereum address and private key.

const keypair = EthrDID.createKeyPair()
// Save keypair somewhere safe

const ethrDid = new EthrDID({...keypair, provider})
refer: https://github.com/uport-project/ethr-did/blob/develop/src/index.js
for all functions to create DID from a defaultAddress 
from a brand new KeyPair generated in constructor of EthrDID
Construct a New Identity

Ethereum DID Registry Details

``` DIDs' are registered , stored in smart contract called ethr-did-registry address for contract on ropsten is: ```
for further details on ethr-did-registry smartcontract, refer:
Ethereum DID Registry Details
The DID Registry can be used from JavaScript as well as directly from other contracts.
To use the contract, we provide truffle artifacts.
Once you require the Ethr-DID-Registry module, you will get an object containing the JSON.
const DidRegistryContract = require('ethr-did-registry')
  • You can use truffle-contract to utilize these artifacts.
const Contract = require('truffle-contract')
let DidReg = Contract(DidRegistryContract)
let didReg = DidReg.deployed()
  • You can also use web3.
let networkId = 1 // Mainnet
let DidReg = web3.eth.contract(DidRegistryContract.abi)
let didReg = DidReg.at(DidRegistryContract.networks[networkId].address)
Using the Registry