
Steps for Capybara features

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is sort of an experiment to bring the great documentating and abstracting feature of cucumber to plain rspec.

Two most popular ways of doing integration testing in ruby world is to use cucumber or request specs with Capybara (features actually in Capybara 2.0). Cucumber has really nice outline of the features of your application but it is tedious to manage scenarios and steps. Even more when your client is not taking part in writing features process. Rspec on the other hand is easier to managa but the level of abstraction can be too low.

The idea is that you use steps inside of the example. The step is a method that accepts a description and block which is the step's definition. The advantage is apparent when using capybara features and having long scenarios. In that case the intention of code can be hard to track down. With steps you have the description and code in one place.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cardoon', :git => 'git://github.com/asok/cardoon.git'

And then execute:

$ bundle



Let's say you have a Capybara feature like this:

feature %Q{In order to add a new stuffed animal.
  As an admin of Chuck Testa warehouse application.
  I want to be able to add a new item.} do
  scenario 'Failing to add new item due to wrong user and size' do
    me = create(:admin)
    visit new_session_path
    fill_in 'session_login', :with => me.login
    fill_in 'session_password', :with => me.password
    click_button 'Login'
    visit items_path
    click_button 'New item'
    fill_in 'name', :with => 'Stuffed Capybara'
    fill_in 'item_width', width: witdth
    fill_in 'item_depth', width: depth
    fill_in 'item_height', width: height
    select 'Mammalia', :from => 'item_class' 
    select 'Caviidae', :from => 'item_family' 
    select species = 'Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris', :from => 'item_species' 
    select user = 'Chuck Testa', :from => 'item_user_id'
    click_button 'Create'
    page.should have_content("#{user} is allergic to #{species}. Item is too high.")
    Item.count.should == 0

You can use steps to be more precise what you're actually doing:

feature %Q{In order to add a new stuffed animal.
  As an admin of Chuck Testa warehouse application.
  I want to be able to add a new item.} do
  scenario 'Failing to add new item due to wrong user and size' do
    Given('I login as an admin'){
      me = create(:admin)
      visit new_session_path
      fill_in 'session_login', :with => me.login
      fill_in 'session_password', :with => me.password
      click_button 'Login'
    When('I go to the new item page'){
      visit items_path
      click_button 'New item'
    And('I define new item named %s', 'Stuffed Capybara'){ |name|
      fill_in 'name', :with => name
    And('I specify size to %s x %s x %s', '30cm', '80cm', '60cm'){ |width, depth, height| 
      fill_in 'item_width', width: witdth
      fill_in 'item_depth', width: depth
      fill_in 'item_height', width: height
    And('I specify its classification to %s > %s > %s',
        'Mammalia', 'Caviidae', 'Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris'){ |klass, family, species|
      select klass, :from => 'item_class' 
      select family, :from => 'item_family' 
      select @species = species, :from => 'item_species' 
    And('assign %s to it', 'Chuck Testa'){ |user|
      select @user = user, :from => 'item_user_id'
    And('I post'){
      click_button 'Create'
    Then('I should see error message "%s"', "#{@user} is allergic to #{@species}. Item is to high."){ |msg|
      within('#error') do
        page.should have_content(msg)
    And('no item should be created'){
      Item.count.should == 0

If you run rspec with Steps formatter you will see the steps in the output:

  In order to add a new stuffed animal.
  As an admin of Chuck Testa warehouse application.
  I want to be able to add a new item.
    Failing to add new item due to wrong user and size
      Given I login as an admin
      When I go to the new item page
      And I define new item named Stuffed Capybara
      And I specify size to 30cm x 80cm x 60cm
      And I specify its classification to Mammalia > Caviidae > Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
      And assign Chuck Testa to it
      And I post
      Then I should see error message "Chuck Testa is allergic to Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. Item is to high."
      And no item should be created

To do this you can run rspec like that:

rspec --color --format Cardoon::Steps

Or put this in your .rspec configuration file:

--format Steps

Plain rspec

If you want to use steps outside of the Capybara features add this to your RSpec setup:

RSpec.configuration.include Cardoon::StepsMethods

Then you can write a spec like that:
describe "Fixnum#+" do
  it 'adds two fixnums' do
    When('I add "%s" to "%s', 1, 1) { |x, y|
      @z = x + y
    Then('I will receive "%s"', 2) { |z|
      @z.should == z

## Alternatives

  * [rspec-example_steps](https://github.com/railsware/rspec-example_steps) - this is in fact the same idea though the implementation is slightly different. Cardoon expects you to explicitly specify Steps formatter to use in order to receive steps descriptions in the output.
  * [rspec-given](https://github.com/jimweirich/rspec-given)
  * [rspec-steps](https://github.com/LRDesign/rspec-steps)

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Please try to include a feature or scenario covering your change.

## Desclaimer

No capybara was hurt during development of this software.