
This app tracks investment portfolios, displaying a list of investments from static JSON files located in the asset folder. #JetpackCompose #MVI #HiltDI #Kotlin #Coroutines #MaterialDesign #JSON

Primary LanguageKotlin


Investment Portfolio Tracking App

InvestFolio is a modern Android application designed to empower users in managing their investment portfolios effectively. Leveraging the Model-View-Intent (MVI) architecture, the app provides a seamless and reactive user experience.

Key Features

  • List Display: Show a list of investments.
  • Sorting: Sort investments by value in ascending or descending order.
  • Indicators: Display up/down arrows based on whether the current value is greater or less than the principal amount.
  • Detail View: View detailed information for a selected investment.
  • Error Handling: Manage various JSON response scenarios including empty, malformed, and error responses.

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin: Programming language used for Android development.
  • Jetpack Compose: Modern toolkit for building native Android UI.
  • MVI Architecture: Model-View-Intent architecture for state management.
  • Hilt: Dependency Injection framework.
  • Coroutines: For asynchronous programming.
  • Material Design: Design principles for UI/UX.
  • Timber: A logging library for efficient debugging.


The app follows the MVI (Model-View-Intent) architecture to manage state and data flow effectively. MVI Architecture Diagram



  • InvestmentRepository: Handles data retrieval from JSON files.
  • InvestmentMapper: Transforms raw data into usable models.


  • InvestmentApp: Main composable function setting up navigation and top bar.
  • DataScreen: Displays the list of investments.
  • DetailScreen: Shows detailed information for a selected investment.
  • HeaderBar: Top bar with dynamic title and navigation actions.


  • InvestmentViewModel: Manages user interactions and updates the state.


  • User Interaction: The user interacts with the UI (View), triggering actions.
  • Intent Handling: These actions are processed by Intent, which updates the ViewModel.
  • State Management: The ViewModel processes the actions and retrieves or updates data from the Model.
  • Model Updates: The Model handles business logic and data operations.
  • UI Update: The ViewModel sends state updates back to the View, reflecting changes in the UI.

JSON Files

  • investments.json: Contains a list of investments.
  • investments-empty.json: Simulates an empty investment list.
  • investments-malformed.json: Simulates a malformed response.
  • investments-error.json: Simulates an error response.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/investment-portfolio-app.git
  2. Open in Android Studio:

    • Open the cloned project in Android Studio.
  3. Build and Run:

    • Ensure you have a device or emulator set up.
    • Build and run the project.


Include screenshots of the app to showcase its functionality and design.

Feature Screenshot
Home Screen
Details Screen