This repo is for coder participants of 20 Days of Open source.

Primary LanguageC++


20 Days Of Open Source

Event details :

  • 20 Days of Open Source is a 20 Days long event. It is organized by Trinity Cyber Forum & GFG IPEC Student Chapter.
  • Every commit & pull request from a registered github profile will be counted as a valid contribution.
  • You have to make at least 1 contribution in 20 days.
  • Try to make good contributions instead of number of contributions.
  • Whoever makes most valid and good contributions will be declared as the winner.

For your PR to count it must be:

  • Submitted in a public repo, AND Merged, OR Approved by a maintainer.

Whether it’s your first or fiftieth pull request, there’s always more to learn! We’ve put together a few resources that can help you create quality pull requests, keep your repositories pristine, and build on your open source knowledge.

Rules To Contribute To This Repo

  • You can write solutions in C/C++/Java/Python/JS/etc... for Data Structure and Algorithms.
  • Follow file naming convention for all your pull requests.
  • While adding any content it should be inside its appropiate directory.
  • If there is any problem with inaccurate solution create an issue!

How you can contribute to this repo

  • Repo contain folders of mostly used languages if not You may create.
  • You have to add a folder of your name in languge folder you are going to code.
  • You have to add solution files in your folder with proper defined question in Comments in starting of file and in readme.md of that folder.
  • You can update existing solution with a better one ( better complexity).
  • Participants can even add new Language and solutions of their interest.
  • Solve issues raised by other people or yourself.

Steps For Contribution

1. Fork this repo
2. Star this repo
3. Add a file ( txt/cpp ) inside appropriate folder
4. Commit the code
5. Make pull request


  1. Beginner-friendly
  2. Targeted for Coders.
  3. Would also help participants who are not familiar with development but are eager to participate in open source.


Connect with us

Trinity Cyber Forum


IPEC GFG Student Chapter

Sunny's LinkdeIn Sunny's Instagram Sunny's Twitter    

if (isAwesome) {
  // thanks in advance :p

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This repository Created by @Dhruv-IGI for event 20 Days of Open Source by TCF & GFG.